Dude walks on highway in a thong, fake breasts and a wig.
The man, 42, was charged with disorderly conduct and simple trespass. He's free after posting $2,500 bail.
Dude tries to legally change his name to the f-word.
The man's current legal name is Variable. He argued that preventing him from changing his name to F... Censorship was itself an act of improper government censorship.
Nevada brothels offering free gas cards.
Geoffrey Arnold, president of the Nevada Brothel Owners' Association, says truckers are about 75 percent of the patrons at the state's rural "houses." But truckers are getting hit hard by rising fuel prices, so they're not stopping as often for a little fun on their runs.
The Shady Lady Ranch plans to offer $50 gas cards to clients spending $300 and $100 gas cards to those who spend 500 bucks.
Teen Girl charged after biting mom over cell phone
A deputy found the woman with two sets of teeth marks on the top of her hand, both with dried blood. The mother says she tried to take the girl's phone as punishment for breaking curfew. Deputies say the girl bit her mother to force her to release the phone. The teen has been charged with misdemeanor domestic battery and violation of probation.
Son stumbles on videotapes of mom having sex with dogs
Authorities were notified of the tapes after Whalen’s son accidentally stumbled onto one of the movies and then alerted the sheriff's department. The tapes, along with three dogs -- a Labrador, a blue heeler and a mixed breed -- were also taken into custody. Bowman said his office is recommending that they be taken away from the suspects and be put down.
Our Private Nuremberg?

International Froggers!
This post is for you.
I receive a ton of email. But one in particular caught my eye this past weekend, a discussion thread which questions why the international community is sitting around on it's hands in total inaction regarding the current President of the United States.
Bit of background.
George W. Bush "is
(As if George was actually elected by the American people back in 2000.)
The question.
"Why is the rest of the world not working on ways to punish OUR longtime leader, who leads an illegitimate government that retained power only through a fraudulent election (and also wages illegal war, ignores world law, tortures prisoners, violates the constitution at every turn, thumbs its nose at environmental treaties, and on and on and on....)?"
What are you people waiting for?
Or is this America's private Nuremberg?
Dude uses taser gun to coerce girlfriend into sex
Christopher Morgen Taylor, 30, turned on a Taser three times early Tuesday morning after his girlfriend refused to have sex with him, according to an arrest affidavit for Taylor. Taylor’s girlfriend told police that Taylor turned the Taser on and said to her, “I don’t normally do this to anybody, but ...”
His girlfriend said she told Taylor to turn off the Taser because it was “freaking her out,” and she uttered a profanity and left the room, the affidavit said. She told police she was scared her boyfriend was going to use the device on her.
Couple auctions off spot as bridesmaid in wedding.
The winning bid was from Dr Pepper Snapple, which is contributing $10,000 to the wedding April 19, 2009, and will supply the drinks. Gray may even get a bridesmaid out of the deal, too. She said the company plans to launch a Web site to find her a bridesmaid or provide a surprise guest. Gray and fiance Karl Gau came up with the auction idea because they're worried about paying for the wedding.
Dude sells his life on eBay for $384k.
Ian Usher, a British immigrant to Australia, put everything he owned as well as introductions to his friends on the online auction site after a painful breakup with his wife prompted him to want a fresh start. Bidding closed Sunday and reached nearly $384,000 — an amount Usher said his house in the western city of Perth was worth on its own.
"I guess I'm a little bit disappointed at the final price, I'd hoped it to be a little higher than that," Usher told Nine Network television on Monday. "But I am committed to selling and moving on and making a fresh start." Usher said he had hoped to get at least $480,000 (a half-million Australian dollars) for his life — his house and all its contents, car and a motorcycle, a jet ski, skydiving gear, an introduction to friends and a trial period in his sales job — but that the final result was enough for him to make a new start in life.
Hot for Teacher?

Over in Brevard County, yet another female teacher stands accused of sex with a 17-year-old student.
And I just don't get it.
I can't grasp the whole teacher crossing the line to sleep with a student thing. I'm trying-- really really trying--to wrap my mind around how a teacher--male or female--can rationalize acting on impulse with a kid entrusted to their authority.
I mean, it might be easier for these educators to light themselves on fire because basically, the legal bonfire they find themselves embroiled in upon arrest--in these puritanical times--will cook them faster than a Salem witch, both personally and professionally.
Gives a whole different spin on Hot for Teacher.
One certainty.
These Summer of '42 "relationships" blow Stranger Danger right out of the water.
"According to the U.S. Department of Justice, approximately 93% of sexually abused children are molested by family members, close friends or acquaintances." (Bureau of Justice Statistics. 2000.)
But stats or no stats.
The ethical breach. The compromised trust. The misuse of authority.
I'll never get it.
Project Make McCain Exciting

Summer is here and the living is easy.
Kick back and enjoy my favorite Green Screen Challenge from The Colbert Report.
(Don't say I didn't warn you.)
John McCain.
Dude dies after downing 23 shots of vodka at strip club
According to a sheriff's spokesman, Morris went to "The Angels" bar, which is a topless bar, and began ordering shots of Burnett's Cherry Vodka. He was playing a drinking game with a friend. The police report says his friend told Morris he was too old to keep playing the game, but Morris continued.
He drank 23 shots in 30 minutes before passing out. His friend dragged him to the club's champagne room where Morris died. The medical examiner's office says the cause of death is pending and it may take four to six weeks before they have blood tests back to show Morris' blood alcohol level.
Dude clubs woman on the head with 10-pound frozen chicken.
Frederick McKaney, 40, also faces a charge of resisting Jackson police officers. "He stabbed his mother in the back of the neck when she refused to give him money, and then he attacked a neighbor woman with a chicken," Chief Assistant Prosecutor Mark Blumer said. "He said something nasty to them and they responded in kind," Blumer said.
"He jumped off his bike and hit one woman over the head with 10 pounds of chicken." The woman was treated at Foote Hospital, and had five staples in her head, Blumer said. The husband of the victim in the poultry assault trailed McKaney in a pickup truck and flagged a responding officer on Biddle Street, Deputy Chief John Holda said. The fork attack drew some blood but did not cause serious injury, Blumer said.
Titanic life jacket sells for $68,500.
The cork-filled life preserver -- still largely intact, but stained and torn in parts -- was thought to have been found by farmer John James Dunbar on the Halifax shoreline after the passenger ship sank off Newfoundland in April, 1912.
Christie's, which estimated that the life preserver would sell for $60,000 to $80,000, sold another Titanic life jacket last year in London for $119,000.
Drunk dude on plane throws ice on passengers, grabs attendant's butt.
Soon after the flight left the Texas airport, Kline ordered a rum and Coke, the affidavit says. The 44-year-old switched seats constantly – his wife and daughter were on the plane, too, and he'd sometimes sit near them, but other times he'd sit in an entirely different section of the plane, according to the affidavit. Later he ordered two more rum and Cokes, but, according to the affidavit, when he began whistling loudly and cursing, the flight attendants refused to serve him a fourth drink.
So Kline got a cup of ice and began throwing it at other passengers, according to court documents. Flight attendants said that, when they tried to stop Kline, he grabbed a female attendant's buttocks.
18 Year Boy Drowned While His 10 Year Brother Swims Out Safe
Emergency service workers said the man was with his 10-year-old brother when the inflatable was swept away. The youngster swam about 500 metres to shore to raise the alarm after the boat capsized, coastguards said. Lifeguards said the 10-year-old boy swam back to three of his other brothers flying a kite on the beach.
Kid golfers, strippers share golf course.
Koch says she has personally apologized to angry parents who have called Eagle Trace. She admits the exotic dancers should not have been in the clubhouse at the same time as the children, but downplayed the idea that the kids witnessed risqué behavior.
"I cannot tell you the girls didn't flash out there," Koch said. "But it wasn't a free-for-all. There was nothing inappropriate going on around the clubhouse when the kids were around," said golf instructor Dustin Moser, who said the racier action took place later. "There was a handful of girls that got a little out of control."
Moser admitted several dancers were scolded for "top-dropping." "When I walked into the club house to look for my girls, I saw a woman straddling a male at a dining table," said a mother who picked up her two children at the golf club.
Grand Inquest for Bush?

I'm with the folks over at Tom Paine.
It's inquest time.
And blogger Robert Borosage says it best.
(...)We have witnessed a staggering abuse of power by President Bush. Even former Bush Justice Department officials now charge him with trampling the Constitution. Bush has claimed the prerogative to declare an endless war without congressional approval, to designate someone an enemy without cause, to proceed to wiretap them without warrant, arrest or kidnap them at will, jail them without a hearing, hold them indefinitely, interrogate them intensively (read torture), bring them to trial outside the U.S. court system. He claims that executive privilege exempts his aides — even the aides of his aides and his vice president's aides — from congressional investigation. He claims the right to amend or negate congressional laws with a statement upon signing them. And much more.
Even this Supreme Court, stacked with activist right-wing judges enamored of executive national security powers, has rebuked the president on some of these claims, particularly around the treatment of alleged enemy combatants. But many of Bush's claims will escape judicial determination.
And there is the rub. According to the leading case on presidential powers, if Bush's extreme assertions of power are not challenged by the Congress, they end up not simply creating new law, they could end up rewriting the Constitution itself. Inaction can alter the Constitutional division of powers by establishing the president's claims as authority that the Congress or the courts may not infringe.
Borosage goes on to cite The Steel Seizure case — Youngstown Sheet and Tube v Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579 (1952) and here's hoping Truman Dem shows up at the Frog to interpret the court decision into understanding for all us lay Froggers.
Apparently Youngstown is "...the leading case on presidential power. In Youngstown, a six-member majority of the Court joined in overturning President Truman's executive order nationalizing the steel plants to end a strike during the Korean War. Justice Black wrote the opinion for the Court, but the historically influential opinions were penned by Justices Robert H. Jackson and Felix Frankfurter, both Democratic appointees."
What the Court said in Youngstown is that if presidents assert a prerogative, such the power to make war without a congressional declaration — systematically, with unbroken regularity, with the knowledge of the Congress and are never questioned — then that practice becomes a Constitutional power that cannot be infringed upon by the Congress or the Courts.
Which I take to mean--Congress better get off the pot and schedule an inquest pronto or risk "indifference or quiescence".
Dude is selling his entire life on eBay.
Usher says he's doing it to start a new life after his marriage broke up. He says the bidding on e-bay has been pretty amazing so far, even bringing a few surprises. "I've had, I think, two marriage proposals via email from people I have never met or heard of, and a couple of people asking if I'm going to auction myself off for a date," said Usher.
Once the lucky bidder has won the auction, Usher plans to catch the next available flight out of Australia and start a new life.
If you meet a stranger with two prostitutes and 20 mins later give them the keys to your new car so they can buy crack, don't expect them to come back
A woman told police she met the suspect in the parking lot of the Admiral Inn last week. After a 20-minute conversation, the victim allowed the suspect to take her 2008 Kia Spectra to buy crack cocaine, the report states.
The suspect told the victim he would give her some cocaine in exchange for letting him borrow the vehicle, the report states. The suspect told the victims he would return the car the following night but didn't. The victim told police that the suspect was from North Carolina and was accompanied by two prostitutes when he took the vehicle.
George Carlin

Electricity is really just organized lightning.
Such George Carlin statements were often autobiographical.
The man electrified social commentary.
And now he is gone, his heart giving way at age 71.
In tribute to the zap in the Carlin zing, I offer one of Smashed Frog's most widely read posts:
New Rule: No more gift registries. You know, it used to be just for weddings. Now it's for babies and new homes, graduations, and releases from jail. Picking out the stuff you want and having other people buy it for you isn't gift giving, it's the white people version of looting.
New Rule: Stop giving me that pop-up ad for Classmates.com! There's a reason you don't talk to people for 25 years. Because you don't particularly like them! Besides, I already know what the captain of the football team is doing these days: mowing my lawn.
New Rule: Stop saying that teenage boys who have sex with their hot, blonde teachers are permanently damaged. I have a better description for these kids: LUCKY BASTARDS.
New Rule: Ladies, leave your eyebrows alone. Here's how much men care about your eyebrows: do you have two of them? Okay, we're done.
New Rule: There's no such thing as flavored water. There's a whole aisle of this crap at the supermarket - water, but without that watery taste. Sorry, but flavored water is called a soft drink. You want flavored water? Pour some scotch over ice and let it melt. That's your flavored water.
New Rule: Stop f***ing with old people. Target is introducing a redesigned pill bottle that's square, with a bigger label. And the top is now the bottom. And by the time grandpa figures out how to open it, his ass will be in the morgue. Congratulations, Target, you just solved the Social Security crisis.
New Rule: The more complicated the Starbucks order, the bigger the a**hole. If you walk into a Starbucks and order a "decaf grande half-soy, half-low fat, iced vanilla, double-shot, gingerbread cappuccino, extra dry, light ice, with one Sweet-n'-Low and one NutraSweet," ooh, you're a huge a**hole.
New Rule: I'm not the cashier! By the time I look up from sliding my card, entering my PIN number, pressing "Enter," verifying the amount, deciding, no, I don't want cash back, and pressing "Enter" again, the kid who is supposed to be ringing me up is standing there eating my Almond Joy.
New Rule: Just because your tattoo has Chinese characters in it doesn't make you spiritual. It's right above the crack of your ass. And it translates to "beef with broccoli." The last time you did anything spiritual, you were praying to God you weren't pregnant. You're not spiritual. You're just high.
New Rule: Competitive eating isn't a sport. It's one of the seven deadly sins. ESPN recently televised the US Open of Competitive Eating, because watching those athletes at the poker table was just too damned exciting. What's next, competitive farting? Oh wait. They're already doing that. It's called "The Howard Stern Show."
New Rule: I don't need a bigger mega M&M. If I'm extra hungry for M&Ms, I'll go nuts and eat two.
New Rule: and this one is long overdue: No more bathroom attendants. After I zip up, some guy is offering me a towel and a mint like I just had sex with George Michael. I can't even tell if he's supposed to be there, or just some freak with a fetish. Don't want to be on your webcam, dude. I just want to wash my hands.
New Rule: When I ask how old your toddler is, I don't need to know in months. "27 Months." "He's two," will do just fine. He's not a cheese.
Chick grabs cops groin during DUI pull-over.
Taryn McCarthy, 22, is scheduled to be video-arraigned Monday on a charge of probation violation alleging she failed a Breathalyzer test in spite of a court order to abstain from alcohol. During the administration of two breath tests, McCarthy told Trooper Nicholas Cyr she would punch him in the face, then threw a punch striking another trooper. McCarthy also admitted to grabbing Cyr in the genital area while reading a police form and after being told not to touch him.
This is the world's ugliest dog.
Teacher has sex with eight teen boys.
Julie Pritchett, 34, is charged with two counts of second-degree sodomy and one count of second-degree sexual abuse in the cases of two boys under 16. The victims in the cases with which she is charged are under the age of consent. Pritchett was the sponsor for the high school's Diamond Dolls, the hostesses for the baseball team. It was through that position, Christian said, that she came into contact with some of her former students who were involved in the high school sports program.
Christian said Pritchett started a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old former student. That relationship led to sex acts with his friends, Christian said.
Woman sues Victoria's Secret for 'thong injury'.
Macrida Patterson, a 52-year-old Los Angeles traffic officer, told NBC's "Today" show that she suffered cuts to her cornea from the small piece of metal that had been used to secure a rhinestone heart onto the blue thong.
"I was putting on my underwear from Victoria's Secret and the metal popped in my eye. It happened really quickly. I was in excruciating pain. I screamed. That's what happened," Patterson told NBC.
H.S. students carry '87 Camaro up 3-flights of steps for prank
"Apparently, some kids might have gotten rambunctious, end of school-type thing," Deputy Chief William Keehner said Thursday. "At this time of year, you do see some pranks."
Then came the second level, and after a rallying speech from one senior demanding that they finish the job, they tackled the final, third flight. Police got a call about 12:40 a.m. Thursday about youngsters loitering around the high school. When officers arrived, no one could be found.
Crashing Down the Julia Tuttle Causeway

As these reports have a way of being whisked away from the online world, the Miami Herald article below is offered in its entirety.
As you are reading:
--Views bolded in red are based on old research and advocate talking points.
--Many Florida citizens have been convicted of charges deemed sex offenses by our beloved legislators via one stroke of their legal quill. Many have never had physical contact with anyone-- children, the elderly or otherwise.
--But Florida lobbyist Ron Book begs us all to think otherwise. Although I feel compassion for the very real trauma that insulted his family, I remind Smashed Frog readers that Florida elected officials have legislated a very broad net of offenses deemed sexual which umbrella many people--our family, our friends, our work associates--under laws that forever associate them with the truly dangerous predators of our children.
--Many have never had physical contact with anyone-- children, the elderly or otherwise.
--The collateral damage of these laws on an offender's family--on their children--private American citizens--is insultingly nauseating.
--Should someone designated as an offender or predator live in your neighborhood, educate yourself. Obtain a police report and get the facts regarding the circumstances of the arrest and conviction, especially if the arrest involves a solicitation conviction under F.S. 800.04.
Many--no-make that numerous persons--are now registered sex offenders due to police chat room sting arrests.
No travel. No meetings.
Lives forever legally altered for words typed on a screen. As so charmingly described by cyber-police, the old shooting-fish-in-a-barrel arrest is destroying lives for inappropriate online conduct.
--Many have never had physical contact with anyone-- children, the elderly or otherwise.
--Most importantly. Talk to your family and friends--in particular, men. Educate them about how easy one can become a sex offender in the state of Florida. Have them read America's Dirty Little Secret. If that doesn't scare the hell out of them, take away their access to a computer.
--Many have never had physical contact with anyone-- children, the elderly or otherwise. (Got it?)
--Enough preaching from my lily pad. Read on.
And think smart online.
The Miami-Dade Public Defender's Office says a confluence of county and city rules has made it virtually impossible for sex offenders to find a home
The Public Defender's Office is challenging the constitutionality of Miami-Dade's sex-offender residency ordinance, arguing it essentially banishes poor sex offenders from the county and, in some cases, leaves them homeless.
The office has offered up an unprecedented argument: that the county's ordinance, combined with numerous city ordinances, make it nearly impossible for sex offenders to find housing.
Supporters of the laws, however, insist that restrictions are necessary to protect children against convicted child rapists, molesters and other sexual predators.
The constitutional challenge comes as recent restrictions placed on sex offenders have come under fire around the nation. In South Florida, more than three dozen municipalities have passed ordinances that prohibit sex offenders from living within certain distances of places where children congregate, including parks and schools.
Many argue that the laws simply push sex offenders underground or, in some cases, under the Julia Tuttle Causeway in Miami-Dade, where a group of sex offenders has been camped out for more than a year because they have nowhere else to go.
Nine Miami-Dade County judges held a preliminary hearing on the issue this week, peppering both sides with questions about the local ordinances.
The county attorney urged the judges not to toss out the county ordinance.
''You're being asked to break some pretty new ground, to do something that's never been done before,'' assistant county attorney Thomas Logue said.
Legal experts say it's not clear whether the Public Defender's Office's tactic will work. Generally, legal challenges are mounted against a single law, viewed in a vacuum, not against the cumulative effect of various laws.
An Iowa law restricting where sex offenders could live was deemed constitutional because the federal courts ruled there were still places in the state open to them.
Florida State University Law School professor Wayne Logan said the Miami-Dade public defender's argument that the patchwork of local ordinances essentially blankets the county is a novel one.
''The accumulated effects of the local and state ordinances may constitute banishment,'' he said.
Professor Corey Yung, of John Marshall Law School in Chicago, said South Florida's overlapping ordinances may be ripe for a challenge.
''No one I know has raised the overlapping issue, either successfully or unsuccessfully,'' he said. ``But Florida is one of the few states that has so many of these less-than-state-level residency restrictions.''
In Miami-Dade, 18 cities, and in Broward, 24 cities have passed residency restrictions for sex offenders. Most of the ordinances prohibit sex offenders from living within 2,500 feet of a school or park. But some of the ordinances extend the buffer zone to as far as 3,000 feet.
Miami-Dade's ordinance uses the 2,500-foot zone, but specifically says that any city ordinance that is stricter should take precedence.
An expert hired by the Miami-Dade Public Defender's office found that there were only 880 available housing units in the county where sex offenders can legally live. Of that number, only 98 of those units rent for $1,200 or less.
There are more than 2,000 registered sex offenders in the county, and more than 1,300 fall under the county's residency restrictions.
Assistant Public Defender Valerie Jonas pointed to the sex offenders who have been camping under the Julia Tuttle Causeway as evidence of how the county's ordinance is unconstitutional.
''They're living under the causeway because they couldn't find any other place to be,'' she said, calling the conditions ``degrading, sordid, dangerous.''
Logue and victim advocates insist that blanket restrictions are necessary because of the high recidivism rates among sex offenders.
''You're being asked to declare as unconstitutional a popular ordinance that protects children, our most vulnerable population, from convicted sex offenders,'' he said. ``God forbid the ordinance is declared unconstitutional and a child gets molested.''
That's the type of argument that prompted residency ordinances in the first place. But law enforcement groups in Florida and around the country increasingly oppose the laws, arguing they're expensive to enforce and don't accomplish their goals. Instead, they push sex offenders underground, making them harder to track and potentially more dangerous, some experts say.
''It's become increasingly difficult to find places for sex offenders to live,'' said Gretl Plessinger, spokeswoman for the Florida Department of Corrections.
The majority of homeless sex offenders in the state are in South Florida, she said.
Broward Public Defender Howard Finkelstein lobbied for a uniform law for the entire state. He fears the various ordinances in Broward are nearly impossible for his clients to abide by.
''They have no reason to follow the law because it's the law that has them with no place to live or work or way to start a new life for themselves,'' he said.
Thus far, efforts in the state Legislature to pass a statewide sex offender residency law that preempts all the local ordinances have failed.
The various local laws and ordinances still garner popular support.
''Do we want people who have been convicted of sexually deviant behavior to peer out of their bedroom windows out into a parking lot or playground where children congregate?'' asked Miami-Dade Homeless Trust Chairman Ron Book, whose daughter went public about her ordeal of being molested by a baby sitter.
After resolving some technical issues this week, the judges tentatively scheduled a trial on the issue for August, with Judge Edward Newman presiding, and Judges Sam Slom, Beth Bloom, Jose Fernandez, Mary Jo Francis, Maria Ortiz, Louis Krieger-Martin, Norma Lindsey, Antonio Arzola all attending.
The judges can issue a joint ruling, or can each rule only on cases in their courtrooms. Depending on how they rule, and whether either side appeals, the case has the potential to undo the county's sex offender ordinance.
The Charlie Crist Blues Ad Nauseam

As if Chain Gang Charlie isn't up to his eyeballs in hot water over his unconscionable decision to offer up Florida's coastline as a sacrifice to the oil gods, I ran across this little jewel over at North Country Gazette--published 6-7-2008--just previous to the most well-documented flip-flop by a sitting governor in Florida political history.
Appears the Pinellas-Pasco County indigent are getting beat with the short end of the state budget cut stick with Public Defender Bob Dillinger hammering down the working end on the heads of the poor.
Dillinger is crying "we ain't got no money, honey" and is refusing to provide legal representation to persons arrested for a misdemeanor crime, those who are unable to afford an attorney to answer the charges in a court of law.
Yep. You read that right. The Public Defender has decided that the indigent will appear in court without the benefit of counsel. Their constitutional right. Denied.
And that ticked off NCG.
Big time.
Listen up Dillinger, perhaps you and Charlie could do a tag team a lesson in constitutional law to the Florida Legislature and Pinellas-Pasco Counties who Dillinger says have cut $1.5 million from his $15 million budget. Surely there are other places in the budget where cuts could be made in order to ensure that the counties are compliant with the law and ways to raise additional revenues other than property tax. Dillinger acknowledges that indigents are entitled to a lawyer. “I just can’t provide it”, Dillinger says.
The Florida Legislature announced in late April a $66 billion state budget for 2008-09 that featured diminished funds for most state agencies.State Sen. Victor Crist, chairman of the Senate Criminal and Civil Justice Appropriations Committee, has been quoted as saying that some state attorneys are grandstanding “because the cuts weren’t that severe, and they can find better ways to deal with them.”
Perhaps the best place to start cutting money in order to restore it for public defenders offices in the state is to start trimming the salaries of state legislators and judges.
Ultimately, the fault for the fiscal woes in Florida lies squarely at the feet of Ching Chang Charlie, also known as Gov. Charlie Crist. He and his Republican-led Legislature have adversely affected virtually every person in Florida from the mentally ill to the elderly to kindergarten students with their $5 billion budget cuts.
Crist has refused to raise revenues without raising property taxes, he has refused to close corporate tax loopholes that benefit himself and his buddies, He and his fellow Republicans could have raised an estimated $500 million by expanding gambling to other licensed pari-mutuels. But nope, not Charlie. He’d prefer to cut the courts, social service programs and education.
Crist needs to get his priorities in order and stop campaigning to be John McCain’s vice presidential candidate. The nation is already in enough trouble thanks to George W, for sure we don’t need Charlie Crist in the White House.
Ching Chang Charlie, after raising a record $24 million in campaign contributions, he wanted donors to throw in $500,000 each to fund his $2.5 million inaugural ball. Republican donors were asked to donate $50,000, $100,000 or $500,000 to get tickets to the inaugural and wow, for that they could have their picture taken with Mr. Big Spender, get engraved cuff links, a tote bag and silk tie (not sure what he planned on giving women donors but women don’t seem to figure much in Crist’s agenda). Let’s not forget the preferred seating at a prayer breakfast at Florida A&M University the big donors would get.
Ultimately Crist abandoned that plan when it came under fire. Maybe he should resurrect it now and use the revenues to restore needed programs and staffing to the budget. Maybe he could raise funds for the budget like he raised for his campaign.
Crist isn’t the brightest light bulb in the lamp, twice failing the bar exam before passing it, has been the target of prior ethics accusations that miraculously disappeared. No wonder he entered politics, its doubtful he would have had much of a career as lawyer, probably would have had more legal malpractice claims than escrow accounts.
Time will tell if Floridians have enough in their bank accounts to survive the Crist administration. God help the USA if he should somehow charm McCain into choosing him for his running mate.
NCG, we could only be so lucky.
If Chain Gang Charlie somehow gets past the Rep VP vetting squad and resigns as Governor to run as McLame's #2, we Sunshine Staters can all sit back with a stiff margarita and watch as Obama blows both of them out of the metaphorical waters.
And yes, I can use "stiff" and "blow" in the same sentence with Charlie Crist...
..with every pun intended.
I was blogging on my other blog.
Don't worry, Across-the-Board isn't going anywhere. My personal blog will be a wide ranging amount of topics; tech insight, personal experiences, photos, my advice on life, music recommendations, and likely lots of really cool stuff I haven’t even thought about yet.
Soooooo check it out! What do you think? I was going for more of a simple minimalistic "theme" so the focus is on the content. Let me know what you think?
Dude kidnaps ex-girlfriend to iron and wash dishes
The 43-year-old man dragged the woman out of a pub in the port city of Genoa, shoved her into a car and took her to his home where he made her iron and wash dishes after threatening her, they said. Police arrived at his house after being tipped off by a friend of the woman who watched the scene at the pub.
The man, who was apparently furious at his ex-girlfriend for leaving him, was arrested on charges of kidnapping, police said.
Dude pissed, throws frozen burrito, steals chips.
The man only had $1 on him, and when the clerk refused to lower the price, the man got upset and threw the burrito at the clerk. The junk food thief then stole a bag of chips, officials said. The clerk wasn't hurt, and the burrito was recovered, they said.
Skunks stink up family's house, $75k damage
The squatters went unnoticed until the heat was turned on last winter. The McCulloughs' house uses hot water heat with exposed pipes running under the floors. When a skunk brushed up against the pipes, it would spray.
"It would be 30 degrees, and I'd have the windows open," said Karen McCullough, 46. "I'd go to the grocery store and people would say, 'It smells like skunk.'" What's really foul is how much damage the critters can cause. The McCulloughs had to replace doors and walls and take their kitchen apart, for a total cost of about $75,000.
Dude orders python to attack girlfriend and cops
Officers dispatched to investigate a domestic dispute and were confronted by a man and his huge pet reptile, "and he was saying, 'Get them!' " according to Lt. James Viadero, the police spokesman. Victor Rodriguez, 21, was threatening his girlfriend with the reptile and refused to open the door for the officers. After the building superintendent opened the apartment door for the officers, Rodriguez threatened them with the snake, Viadero said.
No one was attacked by the snake, and Rodriguez was taken away in handcuffs. He was charged with disorderly conduct and threatening police. He was held in lieu of $10,000 bond.
Will Crist Protect FL Children?

The Florida ACLU has acted. FINALLY.
I hold in my hand a three page letter that may mark the beginning of ending the madness.
The ACLU of Greater Miami and the ACLU of Florida has united to formally request Florida Governor Charlie Crist "...convene a task force of experts and lawmakers to respond to the public safety and housing crisis that the patchwork of residency restrictions for persons convicted of sexual offenses has created across the state of Florida."
Citing the "makeshift village of individuals who are now living under the bridge of the Julia Tuttle Causeway, and the inability of governmental agencies such as the Department of Corrections to continue to track some persons who are still under supervision...as well as those who have completed their supervision...such situations have the potential to compromise public safety and will not resolve themselves without your intervention."
As has been so documented in this blog countless times, residence restrictions are ineffective at protecting the community. Yet, "these laws have proliferated across the state in recent years. (...) Research from the Minnesota Department of Corrections found that not one of 224 recidivistic sex offenses would have been prevented by residence restrictions." (Residential proximity and sex offense recidivism in Minnesota. 2007.)
"According to the U.S. Department of Justice, approximately 93% of sexually abused children are molested by family members, close friends or acquaintances." (Bureau of Justice Statistics. 2000.)
The requested task force would include representatives from law enforcement, probation, experts in treatment and management of persons convicted of sex offenses, victim advocates, and civil-rights advocates.
The ACLU urges Charlie Crist via written communication to take action where the Legislature has failed, underscoring this situation is "not a crisis that can wait for the 2009 legislative session."
Also signing off on the June 2, 2008 letter to the Governor: Public Defenders of the 11th Judicial Circuit of Florida; Miami Coalition for the Homeless; Florida Council Against Sexual Violence; Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers-Miami Chapter; Florida Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers; Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Council of Greater Miami; Jill Levenson, Ph.D, LCSW, Lynn University.
Copies have been forwarded to the following: Walter Mitchell, Florida Department of Corrections; Carlos Alvarez, Mayor, Miami-Dade County; Manuel Diaz, Mayor, City of Miami; Matti Bower, Mayor, City of Miami Beach.
And never forget. Many persons subject to these same laws have never physically laid a hand on anyone. But the Florida Legislature--in company with state legislatures many across this country with the blessings of the federal government--have led you ALL to believe that everyone deemed a sex offender is a child molester.
A copy of this letter can be made available to the press.
Feel free to contact Sunny/Smashed Frog via my email. Please write "ACLU" in the subject line.
It's time to put "human" back in "human rights".
Less sleep means more snacking = fat
Dr. Plamen Penev of the University of Chicago studied 11 volunteers in 14-day studies. At least three months apart, they were given 5½ hours or 8½ hours to sleep in a room with not much to do but plenty of snacks that they could eat at their will. When they had the shorter times in bed, they consumed more energy from snacks, including eating more carbohydrates.
The author said that longer exposure to unlimited food and changes in reward seeking and motivation may underlie the increased consumption of snacks associated with a lack of sleep.
17-year-old plumber $12 million dollar mistake
The historic mansion in Kingswear, Devon, was undergoing a £2 million renovation when a fire ripped through the eight-bedroom house overnight.
In just minutes it burned it down to the ground. It is thought the fire started after polystyrene insulation caught alight from the flame of a blow torch. The plumber was working for a firm of sub-contractors.
Police shoot dude as he beats toddler
Investigators on Sunday were trying to establish the relationship between the suspect and the child they say he killed Saturday night. The Stanislaus County coroner said the boy appeared to be between 1 and 2 years old based on his size, according to county sheriff's deputy Royjindar Singh.
"What we got from witnesses is he was punching, slapping, kicking, stomping, shaking," Singh said. "They tried to intervene and get involved, but their efforts really didn't have an effect. The suspect was engaged in what he was doing. He just pushed them off and went back to it."
FPC Best State Blog

If you have to lose, lose big!
Congrats to the Florida Progressive Coalition Blog for taking home the award of Best State Blog. As a contributor to the FPC, Smashed Frog definitely feels like part of the winning team.
Check out all the 2008 Netroots award winners here.
You might notice Florida state Representative Dan Gelber won several Netroots awards. The Gelber Blog allows comments from readers. Methinks Froggers should definitely interact with Mr. Gelber--now running for state Senate--through the blogosphere.
Just another way of making your voice heard.
Sometimes, it's ain't easy being green, so mega thanks to all who voted for the Frog as one of the three final nominees, but more importantly--thanks to all who support this blog everyday--through reading, commenting, interacting and basically, being united in the effort to put civil rights, civil liberties and human rights back on the table of consideration, especially in the state of Florida.
Because Froggers, we all know the drill.
First the powerless are targeted.
And before too long?
The rest of us find ourselves caught in the crosshairs.
Lawyer wants to use a plaster cast of client's penis for testimony
But prosecutors in the case are firmly against it. Ronald A. McDade, 33, of Green Street, is being held without bail on charges that he sexually assaulted and raped a 13-year-old girl in his apartment last January.
His defense lawyer, Marvin Gold of Hatboro, on Thursday explained his reasoning behind seeking the cast. He said that his client's penis is apparently “extremely large.”
He said that the alleged victim of McDade's assault, although she said she experienced “great pain,” exhibited no signs of injury to her genitals, according to a medical examination. “It occurs to me that, given my client's size, it's unusual there were no injuries,” Gold said.
Dude gets DWI on motorized cooler.
Marr's electric-powered cooler was filled with 14 beers and has room for 24 cans and ice, Fox News reported.
Under New York state law, driving any motorized vehicle must be done without alcohol, including motorized coolers. In various states, other modes of transportation in which driving is prohibited while intoxicated include lawnmowers, boats, bicycles, golf carts, wheelchairs and horses.
Couple found having sex in confessional during church
The couple, in their early 30s, were detained by police earlier this month after they had made love in the confessional box in the cathedral in northern Cesena. They were cautioned for obscene acts in public and disturbing a religious function.
Their lawyer said they had been drinking all night and realized they had gone too far.
Dude wears diaper full of heroin.
Keys, 38, of New Orleans was charged. The occupants were ordered out of the car, and patted down. During the pat-down, "officers felt a large hard object in the pants area on Keys," according to a news release from the U.S. Attorney's office.
Keys told officers he was wearing a diaper and when they asked if there was anything in the diaper, he "shook his head affirmatively." Officers then removed a package containing about 257 grams of heroin from the diaper.
So Long, Tim.
"The voters of the U.S. are about to choose new leadership for the world's most important nation at a time when we are beset with wars, economic failures and confoundedly complicated social issues. Every Sunday, more than 4 million Americans tune in to Meet the Press seeking help in trying to understand the issues and the candidates. They choose that program because Tim Russert is among the most astute, discerning and relentless pursuers of truth in the nation, and has been for years.
Most candidates are not eager to present themselves to Tim's incisive scrutiny, which is fed by his prodigious study and preparation. But they have little choice: appearing on Meet the Press today is as vital to a serious candidate as being properly registered to vote.
Tim's influence can be measured by the size of his audience; the fact that his employer, NBC, reaps enormous monetary rewards from his popularity; and the long list of honors he has received from professional and academic institutions as one of America's most respected journalists and news analysts. His extraordinary success is more than enough to make him respected, but he adds to that a genuineness as a human being that makes him as easy to like as he is to admire. The 57-year-old son of a hardworking sanitation worker in Buffalo, N.Y. — a middle-class, polyglot, multiethnic community where people work hard, go to church or synagogue, love a good meal and a good ball game even more — he was reverential regarding his father, whom he has made famous with his best-selling book Big Russ and Me. And he was as devoted to his wife of almost 25 years, Maureen Orth, a Vanity Fair journalist and author, as he was to his 22-year-old son Luke, providing Luke with the same kind of profound love that was given to Tim by his dad.
Tim never forgot where he came from. He never let us forget either, and we love it!"
Apr. 28, 2008
Vetting Caroline Kennedy

Hey John.
Although you and the Rethugs have thrown two members of the Obama VP search committee under the Obama Momentum Train, I'd thought I'd save you and Cindy a bit of google time and vett Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg for you.
Kennedy's mother, Jacqueline, moved her and her brother, the late John F. Kennedy Jr., to New York following their father's assassination, allowing them to gain privacy by blending into the city's masses. Following college, Caroline Kennedy interned for her uncle in his Senate office before working at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
It was there that she met her husband, Edwin Schlossberg, an exhibit designer. They were married in 1986 on Cape Cod, with Edward Kennedy walking his niece down the aisle and journalist and future California first lady Maria Shriver serving as her cousin's maid of honor. They have three children, 15 to 19.
Caroline Kennedy has used her legal training to write two books on civil liberties, and she has also edited a volume of poetry and an updated version of her father's Pulitzer Prize-winning book, "Profiles in Courage."
Today she presents annual Profiles in Courage awards and preserves her father's legacy with her work at his presidential library and at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government.
(...)Kennedy served as cover girl for AARP's magazine on the occasion of her 50th birthday in November. It fell on Nov. 27, just five days after the 44th anniversary of her father's death. Her landmark birthday served as something of a wake-up call for many baby boomers who remembered her as the girl riding her pony, Macaroni, on the South Lawn of the White House.
Little more than two months after her birthday, Kennedy wrote an op-ed column for The New York Times declaring her support for Obama. It touched off three days of coverage that included a raucous rally with Obama and her uncle, Sen. Edward Kennedy, in Washington.
"I have never had a president who inspired me the way people tell me that my father inspired them," Kennedy wrote. "But for the first time, I believe I have found the man who could be that president — not just for me, but for a new generation of Americans."