The Reality of Hillary Clinton

Moments exist in history where we Americans never really knew what we were dealing with until reality slapped us in the face.

Here's the Frog's short list.

The dropping of the atomic bomb.

The discovery of the German concentration camps and the subsequent liberation of those who somehow survived horrific odds.


George W. Bush.

And the latest addition...

Hillary Rodham Clinton.

When faced with the repercussions of such events on our sense of the world, Americans defensively react through communal consultation on how best to get a bead on how never to be blindsided by the unforeseen again.

The DNC rules and by-laws committee hovered together, exhibiting the patience of Job as passionate supporters exerted their constitutional rights to be heard, becoming increasingly agitated as the unification process began to evidence itself through a Solomon-esque decision.

The baby was split in half, seating the delegations of Florida and Michigan, albeit with half-vote status. An implied threat was issued by Hillary Clinton lieutenant Harold Ickes. We will push this decision to the credentials committee. The meeting ended with repercussions again set on the Democratic table, with the promise of continued turmoil well ahead.

Today, Clinton campaign manager Terry McAuliffe looked more like a divider than a uniter, continuing to press, press, press his impressions upon the remaining undeclared super delegates. "[W]e're going to make our argument right up until someone has [won] ... and I believe today, as much as I've ever believed, Hillary Clinton will be the nominee of this party." Interpreted--Hey! The popular vote belong to my boss. We'll just leave our options open.

Advisor Mandy Grunwald continues to play the sexism card, "If a female candidate, the first successful one in history, goes into the convention leading in the popular vote and it's taken away from her, how do you think women are going to feel, heading into the November election?”

The Democratic party has no idea who they are dealing with.

HRC is not going anywhere fast. This is a woman who fully expected to receive the coronation of the 2008 Presumptive Democratic Presidential Candidate, who has had the political carpet jerked out from under her own reality--as she views it.

It's always going to be something. Credential committee review yesterday, popular vote today. What could be the push tomorrow?

The Clinton fight has never been about counting votes, of making certain the voice of the people is heard. It's always been about raw, unadulterated power and Clinton's eventual lack thereof.

For that slap on her personal reality, we Froggers get to face the repercussions of her wrath.

It's high time the remaining super delegates gather together and make a decision on putting this horse out to pasture. Until they do, we are just beating our donkey heads against the wall in the sheer agony of this continuing serial drama.

When somehow this all passes and we Democrats hover together in the great aftermath to figure out best to make certain our party is never again psychologically abused by a politician with such an unquenchable thirst for power that he or she would drag her party down with her?

I wish us luck.