Tim Mahoney:Wingwalker

U.S. Rep Tim Mahoney (D-Palm Beach Gardens) won't tie his tail to a kite, no matter how high it soars.

The former Republican turned Democrat has decided to remain uncommitted regarding presumptive Democratic nominee Barack Obama.

Mahoney says of the presidential race. ““I wasn’t elected to be a role model as to how people should vote,”People in my district are smart enough to decide."

Hmmph. Not so certain about that, Tim.

After Mark Foley (who remains a free man) crashed and burned, weren't you barely elected back in 2006 after voters chose to pull the lever for the scandalized Foley via Republican pinch hitter Joe Negron?

And isn't Palm Beach county the home of the infamous 2000 butterfly ballot?

Yep. Sounds like an intellectually superior crowd.

So fess up, Tim.

Doesn't your decision to stand on the political sidelines while reaping the benefits of Obama at the top of the ticket all boil down to one real truth?

Your district--District 16--is 41.7 percent Republican and 36.2 percent Democrat.

That's quite the balancing act you've got going there, SIR.

Add wingwalker to your resume.

Read what Palm Beach thinks about their Congressman here.

And it ain't much.

By Whatever you say, Tim

June 9, 2008 9:07 AM

Of course it is self-preservation and Mr. Mahoney is playing politics. Barack Obama is too liberal for the “former” Republican and current Blue Dog. Also, the fine congressman does not want to alienate his right-leaning district who barely elected him two years ago. Mr. Mahoney is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. He does have one saving grace, the privacy of the voting booth to vote for the senior senator from Arizona, and no one would know for sure.


By Of Course

June 9, 2008 9:23 AM

Mahoney has only been a Democrat since 2004, but he’s really a lifelong Republican. He has no loyalties, and will flap in the breeze to whatever side is in power today; like a sheet on a clothesline in a windstorm.

Should the Republicans gain a majority again, be certain Timmy will return to being a Republican’t.


By Whatever you say, Tim

June 9, 2008 9:48 AM

Of Ocourse, he still is a Republican, but with a (D) after his name. p.s. He changed his registration to Democrat in July of 2005 when he was informed that Mark Foley would implode.


By Ron

June 9, 2008 9:50 AM

What a gutless wonder this Maphoney character is.

He knows his constituents wanted Hillary, Obama won, and now he’s too scared to support the nominee they opposed.

It’s all about getting re-elected. Nothing more, nothing less.


By Cryos

June 9, 2008 10:45 AM

I love comments like Republican’t. I think democrats get the can’t award. Who was it in 2006 when the won legislative majority talked about how they were going to lower gas prices since they were $2.35? Yeah they’ve done a superb job in helping with gas prices. I guess they’re too busy playing political games and talking to Roger Clemens to get any real work done.


By Les Croland

June 9, 2008 10:53 AM

Hurray! We actually have a an indepenedent-minded politician. I’m for the person who focuses on getting gets things done in Washington, not cheerleading for some other politician. Bravo Tim. Keep your eye on the ball for your constituents. After all, that’s why you were elected.