Although Gov. Charlie Crist Senate recently informed the press that sunshine will ray all over campaign dollars contributed towards his 2010 Florida Senate race, apparently the offenders living under the Julia Tuttle Causeway may never see the light of day. (Read more about those forced to live under the JT here).
From The Buzz, St. Petersburg Times (Charlie Crist says more sun will shine on his campaign cash, July 10, 2009):
Q: What about sex offenders under Julia Tuttle Causeway. Will you work to help resolve the situation?Crist: "Well, always. We’ve been involved in that issue for awhile and really I think we have to respect what the local governments want to do. They’re trying to protect their people. protect their children.And they have these limits that exist, and we respect that. So we’ll look at the lawsuit and do the best we can to help resolve that.”
We've? We've who? How about "WE" as in not you, Governor?
And Charlie just a heads up. We, the family members and friends of those designated as offenders in this state have become quite the voting demographic and will guarantee you this.
WE will do the best we can to conclude your political career. And the 2010 primary sounds like a good date to me for your retirement from politics.
Florida Republicans, do your job August 2010. Vote this guy OUT of office FOR GOOD.
As for the media, keep asking the questions. Hold Crist accountable for Julia Tuttle.
Read more musings by Mr. Empty Suit here.