Democrats are a lot like public school educators.
Both are their own worst enemies.
Take teachers, especially those working here in Florida. The very passion held for the education of children is the Achilles heel of the profession. As an example, most in the Sunshine State haven't seen a pay raise in a couple of years. As a right to work state, strikes are out so the next best option suggested by unions is passive resistance.
Do your job, do it well and leave at quitting time. Meaning, walk out the door when the whistle blows.
How many teachers do you think leave at the stroke of Time to Head Home? School boards know the answer as do state legislatures. As long as teachers continue to shoot themselves in their collective bargaining foot, those in charge of the money train will continue to stomp all over them.
The Democrats are way similar. More than a few years back--long before Obama addressed the 2004 Democratic convention--I was over at the Kos blogging education regarding whatever Draconian law was being shoved down RSO throats at the time, sex offender registries, public notification, take your pick.
A comment caught my eye, something to the effect that these types of special interest issues were exactly what served to divide the Democratic party, what the GOP exploited and if we were to win back the White House, solidarity and a single focus is what would get us there.
Although I felt dissed at the time, the message certainly worked. Dems got their collective act together, won back the White House and the majority in Congress.
The sun set on eight years of this country stuck in reverse and promise of a better life for Americans broke over the horizon.
Health care reform was more than a possibility.
One year later, we as a Party are shooting ourselves in the foot over what the anonymous Kos commenter would claim as special interests inhibiting the passage of what is likely a once in lifetime possibility.
What lesson have we not learned?
Besides not to aim at the big toe?