3/4/10), let's review the progress of residency restriction bills currently before the Florida Legislature.
S1284 GENERAL BILL by Crist; Aronberg (Similar H 0119)Sexual Offenders and Predators [SPSC]; Prohibits loitering or prowling
by certain offenders within a specified distance of places where
children regularly congregate. Preempts certain local ordinances
relating to residency limitations for sexual predators and offenders and
providing for repeal of such ordinances. Provides additional address
reporting requirements for sexual offenders adjudicated delinquent, etc.
EFFECTIVE DATE: 07/01/2010.
01/20/10 SENATE Filed
02/03/10 SENATE Referred to Criminal Justice; Community Affairs; Judiciary;
Criminal and Civil Justice Appropriations
03/01/10 SENATE On Committee agenda-- Criminal Justice, 03/04/10, 8:00 am,
03/02/10 SENATE Introduced, referred to Criminal Justice; Community Affairs;
Judiciary; Criminal and Civil Justice Appropriations
-SJ 00092; On Committee agenda-- Criminal Justice, 03/04/10,
8:00 am, 37-S --
Temporarily postponed03/04/10 SENATE On Committee agenda-- Criminal Justice, 03/09/10, 3:30 pm,
*** House 0119: Relating to Sexual Offenders and Predators H119 GENERAL BILL by Glorioso; (CO-SPONSORS) Brandenburg; Hooper (Similar
S 1284)
Sexual Offenders and Predators; Prohibits loitering or prowling by
certain offenders within specified distance of places where children
regularly congregate; prohibits certain actions toward child at public
park or playground by certain offenders; prohibits presence of certain
offenders at or on grounds of child care facility or pre-K through 12
school without notice & supervision, etc. EFFECTIVE DATE: 07/01/2010.
09/15/09 HOUSE Filed
10/12/09 HOUSE Referred to Public Safety & Domestic Security Policy (CCJP);
Military & Local Affairs Policy (EDCA); Criminal & Civil
Justice Appropriations (CGHC); Criminal & Civil Justice
Policy Council
01/26/10 HOUSE On Committee agenda-- Public Safety & Domestic Security
Policy (CCJP), 02/02/10, 8:00 am, 404-H --Workshopped
02/09/10 HOUSE On Committee agenda-- Public Safety & Domestic Security
Policy (CCJP), 02/16/10, 10:15 am, 404-H --Not considered
02/22/10 HOUSE On Committee agenda-- Public Safety & Domestic Security
Policy (CCJP), 03/01/10, 2:15 pm, 404-H
03/01/10 HOUSE CS by Public Safety & Domestic Security Policy (CCJP);
03/02/10 HOUSE Introduced, referred to Public Safety & Domestic Security
Policy (CCJP); Military & Local Affairs Policy (EDCA);
Criminal & Civil Justice Appropriations (CGHC); Criminal &
Civil Justice Policy Council -HJ 00018; On Committee agenda--
Public Safety & Domestic Security Policy (CCJP), 02/02/10,
8:00 am, 404-H --Workshopped; On Committee agenda-- Public
Safety & Domestic Security Policy (CCJP), 02/16/10, 10:15 am,
404-H --Not considered; On Committee agenda-- Public Safety &
Domestic Security Policy (CCJP), 03/01/10, 2:15 pm, 404-H; CS
by Public Safety & Domestic Security Policy (CCJP); YEAS 11