This past Sunday's paper included a supplemental flyer issued by the Brevard County Sheriff Department, it's purpose to serve as another form of community notification regarding area sex offenders.
With an oh no and in full anticipation of a ruined day, imagine our surprise to find residents labeled as sexual predators listed, I'd say about 25 or so, if that. Those local persons deemed sex offenders by the State of Florida were not included in the listing as in previous years.
I'm almost afraid to ask what brought about such a change. Can't be the economy as my understanding is funds garnered through drug enforcement pays all costs associated with getting out the word on your identified neighbors.
All I know is my Sunday was much brighter than years past. But never far from my mind were those featured as meeting the state's criteria for designation as sexual predators.
Knowing how this state works its punitive magic, I would suggest that upon learning a sexual predator lives in your neighborhood, get a police report in effort to make your own informed assessment.
And once you do, be aware how much remains unknown about the rest of your neighbors.