We are 2 days away from the end of the Florida legislative session and as those of us who eyeball state politics full well know, the pace picks up fast and furious at the end in the frenzy to pass legislation.
The Time is Now.
It was strongly suggested by the Florida Civil Rights Association that those designated as registered sex offenders (RSOs) AND or their family members initiate civil rights complaints.
All the educative information in the world can't base a lawsuit. The RSO community must FILE COMPLAINTS in order to even discover whether their attorneys can assist us or not.
Without a complaint, no attorney can take action on behalf of anyone or any group.
Once the complaints start massing up" (stacking up) this is a good indication that there are similar issues in neighboring counties. (I myself filed a complaint with the ACLU several years ago. Glad I kept a copy.)
This means that we as "individuals" need to initiate the complaint with the ACLU at their web site or send via a letter to their mail box, as well as initiate the complaint with the Florida Civil
Filing complaints WILL get them rolling on our behalf. Should we start filling individually, then the civil liberties organization will look at us as a massive group. Both the ACLU and FCRA are looking for commonalities in our complaints.
It is imperative that every one make a complaint, even if unsure if the complaint is valid. Let the lawyers decide that. Each of us may not have a case but an RSO or their family member 5 counties over may have the same issue but their complaint may have additional info that will cause the lawyers to assist them. That case can be then used as a precedent forall of us later. FILE YOUR COMPLAINT(S).
The legislative session adjourns in two days. Legislation remains in committee. If a bill has not been made into a law yet by vote and you believe that your civil rights will be violated if it becomes law, immediately write out your complaint and be ready to file.
Start filling your complaints with the ACLU and FCRA NOW. They cannot ignore a group of determined, helpless, poor class of citizens that want justice and relief from the problems the politicians have caused. (Need inspiration? Just take a look at Arizona).
Importantly, DO NOT CALL THESE AGENCIES. They do not have the staff to answer the