With the Florida GOP falling over itself in excuses these days, state Rep David Rivera finds himself tripped up over accusations of soliciting campaign donations during the 60-day legislative session.
Denial ain't just some river in Egypt, Dave. And the research reveals a contributor who should have known better.
Analyzing Rivera's campaign finance report, I counted at least 80 individuals and political action committees who are actively lobbying the state legislature during the session. The number doesn't include family relatives of lobbyists and company principals.For example, lobbyist Ron Book, his wife, and his daughter contributed $12,600 to Rivera. His client Auto Nation's PAC gave $2,000. Nine employees from another Book client, Biscayne Bay Pilots, kicked in a combined $3,100.
A loophole allows state legislators running for federal office to solicit and accept contributions during the session but only if the donations cannot be construed to improperly influence the member's official act, decision, or vote.
As the state House's budget committee chairman, Rivera has significant clout over the state's multibillion-dollar budget. He holds the purse strings for every project in Florida. So even if he is not directly violating the contribution ban, it doesn't look good when most of the $700,000 he raised in the past quarter came from lobbyists and special interests.
Anyone else see anything wrong with this picture?