The St. Pete Times, 8/24/2010:
The Associated Press called the race for (Rick) Scott just before 11 p.m. McCollum initially held out, waiting for the final tally and telling supporters to be patient.
At 12:34 a.m. today in an e-mailed news release, he admitted defeat. "The votes today have been tallied and I accept the voters' decision," he said, calling the primary "one for the ages.''
His concession carried with it the same pugnacious tone that marked the bare-knuckled race.
"No one could have anticipated the entrance of a multimillionaire with a questionable past who shattered campaign spending records and spent more in four months than has ever been spent in a primary race here in Florida,'' he said.
Froggers, it appears Bill McCollum has left the building.
For the harm this man has inflicted on families via perpetuation of legal myths regardless of what research revealed, for his resistance to civil rights restoration, for Terri Schiavo...
...good riddance.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out, Bill.