And on that note...
The Post on Politics:
Foley — who launched a talk radio show last year and recently flirted with entering the nonpartisan mayor’s race in West Palm Beach — is slowly regaining acceptance among Republicans.Foley was on the host committee last year for a fund-raiser for Republican Sharon Merchant’s failed state Senate bid. He spoke to a Palm Beach County Young Republicans meeting last week and introduced new U.S. Rep. Allen West, R-Plantation, at the grand opening of West’s district office in West Palm Beach Tuesday.
Foley’s speech to the YRs was his first public appearance at a Republican event since his resignation.
Foley had considered a run for mayor of Palm Beach, but felt the time wasn't right. "My mother is still alive. My family, my sisters, my partner, they'd all lived the drama," Foley said. "I'm not certain that they need to be put through the wringer on my behalf or for my political ambitions again."
Back in 2007, then Representative Mark Foley (R) was spirited off into rehab and his House computers cleared upon the discovery of sexually charged e-mails to male congressional pages. The Congressional Missing and Exploited Children's Caucus Co-Chair was never charged with the very laws he helped to create, which have ensnared countless individuals and destroyed not only their lives, but their families as well.
Read more over at Mark Foley Walks?
As noted by a commenter, Google has a long memory.
And so does this Frog.