This goes to show the hysteria that has spread in this country. A person is or knows someone who has been sexually abused, so they think it gives them the right to go out and harm someone they think is a sex offender. I wonder if he would be crying if the person was a ex-sex offender? No, I'm sure he'd feel justified.
SPOKANE - A Washington state man who shot another man in the head because the shooter mistakenly thought the victim was a sex offender has been sentenced to more than 15 years in prison on assault and gun convictions.
Robert Startin cried in Spokane County Superior Court as he apologized for shooting 26-year-old [name withheld] at a drinking party in March in Spokane Valley.
The prosecutor said someone joked that [name withheld] was a sex offender. Startin had a relative who was molested. He got a gun and shot [name withheld] in the head.
The Spokesman-Review reports [name withheld] was paralyzed below the neck but has recovered some movement in his limbs. He’s still in the hospital.
The 27-year-old Startin was sentenced Tuesday.