Original Article
We do not condone publicly shaming anybody, nor do we agree with this site, but it was only a matter of time before it popped up, and I'm surprised many others like it haven't yet. Give it time though, they will.
Studies of crime statistics from across the western world point to the fact that women are becoming more violent, both physically and sexually; with children and with other adults. Women now constitute the majority of those who kill and intentionally cause physical harm to children in the home. They are also responsible for the lions share of elderly abuse and now even match men, blow for blow, in the realm of intimate partner violence.
Unfortunately, our society has reacted to this by failing to adequately address this criminal conduct in the justice system. Quite the contrary, some countries seem to be enabling criminality in women as a matter of policy. In the United States, the sentencing disparity for female criminals, compared to men, is greater than that between whites and other ethnic minorities. In the U.K., the government has issued advisories to magistrates instructing them to give women lighter sentences than men. The Ministry of Justice is also considering a proposal to abolish women's prisons altogether.
In Australia, it is now common for media sources to avoid printing the names of female pedophiles, even after their conviction for molesting children.
All this creates an environment of undue tolerance for female criminality that puts the general public, including our children, at increased risk.
Register-her.com is a needed first step to begin the amelioration of this problem.
By posting public profiles of these offenders, we offer an important "on the record" service aimed at keeping the public informed of threats in their community. We also include in our listings, individuals who, while not criminals themselves, have proven to be a significant part of the apparatus for fostering, enabling and exacerbating this particular set of social ills.