By Martin Staunton
Police from several agencies spread out to check in with scores of sex offenders to make sure their registration information is up to date.
PINEVILLE -- Several law enforcement agencies came together in Wyoming County for a spot-check of sex offenders there. Police want to make sure that this segment of the criminal population is in compliance with the terms of their release back into the community.
Police were up early for a strategy session just before the sex-offender compliance sweep.
The officers fanned out across Wyoming County to make sure the information on file for each registered offender is up to date. Sgt. M.K. Summers is a member of the Crimes Against Children Unit of the West Virginia State Police. Summers said it's vital to community safety to maintain current information when it comes to sex offenders.
"The recidivism rate among sex offenders is extremely high and what we're trying to do by doing operations like this today is to kinda keep them in line and keep everything up to date, so if we do have something happen, we're able to find out where they're at, what they're doing, it just makes it a little easier for us to track them," said Summers.
- Once again, an ignorant police officer just repeating the same BS he has been told. The recidivism rate among sex offenders is lower than any other criminal, except murderers. Drug dealers, gang members and others have higher recidivism rates, so why don't they check on them as well?
The One Voice Drug Counseling Center in Pineville is the backdrop for the gathering of law enforcement.
Files for each of the offenders in the sweep were hauled in and assigned to a team of officers. If they discover violations, it's up to Wyoming County Prosecuting Attorney, Rick Staton, to bring charges against non-compliant sex offenders.
"It's important for both the offender and the community to make sure they're in compliance, to make sure the community is aware that this is not something that which we drop the ball, in which they just register and then nothing is followed up on, so regular check-ups are good," Staton said.
There are more than 52 sex offenders who are on the list for compliance sweep.
The law enforcement officers split into five teams, each with about 10 offenders they need to check-in with.
"Today, our primary focus is to check compliance, if there is a major offense, we'll go ahead and make an arrest there." Summers said.
The cooperative effort between agencies is a source of pride for the Prosecutor.
"We have great inter-agency cooperation between the state police and all the various agencies. I'm not surprised but then again, every time I see it happen it always makes me feel good," said Staton.
Officers from the Mullens and Oceana City Police Departments participated, as well as Wyoming County Sheriff's Deputies, the U.S. Marshal Service, and the West Virginia State Police.
- So, what was the outcome of the compliance check? I am willing to bet almost 100% were in compliance.