Satanic Ritual Abuse
CBN.com – Nancy Dunn was raised in what looked like the typical American family.
"I was raised in California," Nancy tells The 700 Club. "My father worked in the aerospace industry. My mother worked for a doctor. On the outside just looked normal, but nobody knew what was going on behind closed doors."
"My father was actually a Satanic high priest, so he did all kinds of evil things. He sexually assaulted me, took me to satanic rituals. My father actually used me as a baby breeder, which means I was impregnated so the Satanists would have a baby to sacrifice to the devil in their Satanic rituals. As soon as I was able to have a baby, I was pregnant.”
The abuse in Nancy’s home continued throughout her adolescence. Her babies were delivered by midwives, and there was no record of their births. By her late teens, Nancy knew she had lost 10 children to Satanic sacrifice.
"If I was out of school for weeks or months on end, my parents would call the school and it would be no big deal. There was never an investigation.”
However, back when she was eight years old, an elderly neighbor befriended Nancy and invited her to church.
“My parents let me go, because they were doing this big Olympic event where the kids were playing and competing. It was really awesome, because one of the ladies there preached the gospel to me. She shared who Jesus was and on that very day, I knew that was the truth. I asked Jesus Christ to come into my heart.”
At age 18, she married the first man that came along to escape her abusive upbrining. When her marriage fell apart one year later, she began to lead a promiscuous lifestyle.
“I became pregnant at age 21 years old, and a friend offered me a solution. I had an abortion.”
After the abortion, the guilt and shame of her decision and a flood of traumatic childhood memories sent Nancy running back to the church.
“I really loved God in my heart, but I didn’t really know how to have that walk with Him, so I joined a church. I began to read the Word of God. I began to really pursue a relationship with my Heavenly Father."
She continues, "As I began to walk that out, there were all these stumbling blocks. It felt like there was a wall or a ceiling between God and I. There was a lot of fear in my life, a lot of anxiety in my life. My self-esteem was just nothing. I always felt lower than the dirt, and I couldn’t ever really understand why God would love me or what His love would do for me."
Nancy sought Christian counseling. Her counselor discovered that she was suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder, meaning she was having flashbacks so severe that she had to split into several personalities in order to cope with the trama.
"The memories were compartmentalized, so the Lord began to bring them to me one at a time. The Holy Spirit will never give us more than we can handle, so God really directed that and He began to help me process through each memory. I just began to press into God for my deliverance and my freedom. I just began to cry out to God with all I had all the time for my freedom. It was a process of about a year and a half. I was in counseling working with this therapist. I remember visiting a church on Valentine’s Day. They were preparing the element for communion, and I was getting a little nervous inside. In the natural, I was forced to drink human blood in the rituals, so the blood seemed so crazy to me. But I heard the Lord speak to me and say, 'If you will drink of MY blood and eat of MY body, I will heal you of everything the enemy has done to you.'
"So I took communion and everything changed. I became one whole person. God did it in a moment through communion."
After taking communion, the Lord also led Nancy through a process of forgiving her father. The next time she saw him, he was on his death bed.
"He was in ICU. They didn’t think that he could speak to me, and yet He sat up in the bed and he repented to me. I just lost it. I totally lost it. I asked him, 'Dad, all I want to know is if you know Jesus.' He smiled and he said that he had just said the sinner’s prayer. I just had tears flowing down my face." I said, 'The only thing I want is I need to hear you say it.' So my father said the sinner’s prayer with me. About 60 seconds later, he died and he went to Heaven."
Today, Nancy is an advocate for abused and neglected children in the court system. She has also helped start orphanages in five different nations and travels the world to share her story and minister deliverance.
"I feel so free," she says. "I feel so light. I feel so happy, and God is allowing me to be a part of setting other people free. I want everyone to know that no matter how broken you have been, look at my life. God will forgive you. God will deliver you. God will set you free. There is power in the blood of Jesus. The blood has never lost its power, and it will never lose its power."