We can make a difference... with a deadline. Obama Wants to Know! Tired of registration laws? Tired of being treated as a second class person? Tired of all that comes with being a registered person? Well, you know the laws, now President-Elect Obama wants to know what he can do about your problems. So, here is an opportunity to tell him how laws are affecting you. You can setup new questions or agree with questions already setup by someone else. Holiday's are over, get on this site, search for existing questions like "Adam Walsh Act" or "Sex Offenders" or anything else you think is related, then make your voice heard. DO NOT PUT THIS OFF see note from the Transition Team on that page, there is a cutoff date! Open for Questions It's easy to make your voice heard -- and give and receive feedback on questions posed by the Change.gov community. To get started, click on one of the topics to the left and check out some of the questions other people are asking. If you see a question you'd like to hear answered by the Transition, click the check box next to the question. If you don't find a particular question interesting or relevant, mark the "X" instead. Got a question? Just ask. At the bottom of each page, you can click the "Submit a Question" button and add your two cents. |