Let's talk weatherization.
Democrats in the U.S. House released a broad outline of what they hope to include in the 2009 stimulus bill and it contained many ideas Obama promised during the campaign, including $6 billion to weatherize "modest income" homes. Typically, weatherizing a home means improving its insulation and window seals so the home retains heat or air-conditioning better. This usually means utility bills drop.
Sounds great, right?
Sure, unless the county where an applicant resides dictates additional "criteria" to qualify for federal funding.
Any person who must register with the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office or the Florida Department of Law Enforcement under Florida Statute 773.13 as a person convicted of a felony in any court of this state or any person who has been convicted in a federal court or in any court of a state other than Florida or in any foreign state or country, which crime, if committed in Florida, would be a felony; or Any person listed by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement as a sexual predator or a sexual offender as provided for under Florida Statutes 775.21, 943.0435, 944.606, or 944.607.The kicker?
13. In addition, Brevard County further requires that “if any household member is a convicted felon, he or she must have his or her Civil Rights restored or must have been pardoned in order to receive assistance.”
The courts ruled in favor of the county indicating such restrictions could be added, although the feds stated otherwise.
Per the Department of Community Affairs, Tallahassee:
"In particular, 10 CFR s, 440.22 sets for the criteria for which dwelling units are eligible for weatherization assistance, based on the income level of the family unit dwelling in the unit. A local provider may not add eligibility requirements which are more restrictive than the federal requirements."
Barack Obama declared his national commitment to weatherize at least 1 million low-income homes each year for the next decade..."which can reduce energy usage across the economy and help moderate energy prices for all."
Even in Brevard County, Florida.
Any legal types out there wishing to review this case, shoot me an email. I'll point you in the right direction.