Two great quotes from two great friends in one week.
"How's that MySpace ban working out, huh?"
Today's inference jabs at the US Attorneys General who recently launched a full scale media blitz as a response to the Berkman report, Enhancing Child Safety and Online Technology.
About a week after the release of the report by the Internet Safety Technical Task Force--endorsed by the AGs themselves--the 90,000 sex offenders "booted" from MySpace story
APed itself into the corners of any paper (online or otherwise) who can still afford AP prices these days.
Unfortunately, as my friend's caustic quote alludes--the truths that don't fit the AG political tunnel vision of the moment often don't find the way into the media glare.
Allow the Frog to let the sun shine in.
As reported by Last Word:
''Mike was the typical kid who was into chat rooms. It was in his nature. He was outgoing and likable. We told him all the time to be careful. But, once he moved out and got a place of his own, we had no more control over what he did or who he met.... Some kids think they're invincible and can't make a mistake, but all it takes is one mistake and your family is planning a funeral.... Even if that were true, that's no justification to stab someone and then stab them 19 more times," William Searfoss said. "This wasn't self-defense.''
William Searfoss remarking on his the murder of Army vet Michael Goucher, 21. His body was found in a wooded area a week after he went missing. Shawn Freemore, 19, is accused of stabbing Goucher to death. His defense is reported to be that he and Goucher had previously had sex after meeting in an internet chat room, but on February 3 Freeman claims he met Goucher again in a car, but put off his advances and then stabbed him when Goucher followed him outside. (Pocono Record)
(I'm) just wondering how it could have happened, just terribly shocked and we all still hurt.... He plunged right into our music program. He helped with piano and organ, sang in the choir, played bells. Everybody loved him.''Reverend Doctor William Ramsden of Zion United Church of Christ of Stroudsburg, PA, remarking on the stabbing death of Michael Goucher, 21. Another teen Shawn Freemore, 19, is charged with his murder after meeting Goucher in an internet chat room for sex. (WNEP)
''[If] you dont know, i am kind of crazy since i got out of jail doin 21 months. i hear voices that tell me to kill people, hallucinate, get dillusional sometimes...schitzophrenia runs in my family and i think i caught it early.''
Quote said to be from the web page Ian Seagraves, 17, a/k/a ''ThrOwt Stabba'' on MySpace. Seagraves is the second suspect to be arrested for the murder of Michael Goucher, 21. It is not yet clear how Seagraves is attached to previously-arrested Shawn Freemore and the crime, but it is being reported that he is being charged with murder, aggravated assault, criminal conspiracy, robbery, and fabricating or tampering with physical evidence. (Pocono Record)