Call it public notification in reverse.
As reported by the Miami Herald, the FDLE "...sent out 11,000 e-mails beginning Saturday afternoon notifying Floridians that individuals on the sex offender registry had been removed from the list. Some of the notifications went to victims of sexual assault who follow their assailants through the registry."
(If it were only that simple).
One such recipient just happened to be Lauren Book, daughter of Ron Book, guilt-ridden father, Florida bajillion dollar lobbyist and Sex Offender Residency Restriction Advocate Extraordinaire. The other half of the Book ends "...operates an educational foundation, Lauren's Kids, that offers seminars and workshops that encourage children to immediately report sexual abuse to their parents or authorities...", which I'm certain is all on the 501 (c) 3 up and up, especially with Daddy sitting on the board as President.
Anywho, Lauren--a survivor of childhood abuse--chose not to point fingers at the FDLE and the unfortunate computer mishap. ''I just wish they had put something out sooner, so that other people didn't worry, or weren't so afraid,'' Book said. ``The not knowing is scary, especially if you are not in counseling.''
Darn technology.
Interesting comment left by a Herald reader who doesn't seem to feel the residency restriction love to the intensity shared by the Book family:
Thanks to the residency restrictions in Miami Dade County advocated by Lauren Book and her father,those sex ofenders who have been released from parole or probation and are not required to live "UNDER THE BRIDGE" have now registered as "Transient" or provide the address of some homeless shelter. They have become nomads van or car dwellers,perhaps parked right down the street from from you. Thanks in part to Ms Book and her fathers interferrence (sic) with the States regulatory scheme sex offenders are still here in our neigborhoods all day everyday. Only differecne (sic) is now we do not know who they are or where they are. So thank you Mr Book. Thank You very much.