I caught a broadcast of Legally Speaking over the weekend, a refreshing respite from the usual Right slam aka Talk Radio via WMMB 1240 AM.
Eighteenth Circuit Court Judge Robert Burger sat subject to interview, completing the blanks for those who phoned in questions regarding the legal system.
As most are engaged in activities other than sitting around listening to the radio old school style on a Sunday afternoon, needless to say, much filler was needed to fill the hour. On Air talk turned to the inner workings of the court system as well as to those who cannot afford legal representation upon arrest.
The attorney-radio host asked the judge to guesstimate how many cases came before him that required the services of a public defender.
Eighty per cent. 8-0.
With all those cases on the backs of the public defender's office, what type of quality effective legal representation can truly be provided a citizen client?
As stated by The Sentencing Project, 1 of every 131 Americans is incarcerated in prison or jail.