As if attorney--lobbyist and Chair of the Homeless Trust Ron Book hasn't done enough through his hypocritical support of residency restrictions which exceed the state guidelines and as a result, have increased homelessness--forcing many South Florida citizens to live beneath the Julia Tuttle Causeway--now he and his daughter have embarked on a national campaign to promote child-safety zones that would keep sex offenders within 300 feet of parks, day cares and YMCAs, among other facilities.
Interesting concept, considering the law currently restricts those convicted of whatever is considered a sex offense these days from residing near these areas. Those who do, lived within proximity of these areas previous to the passage of the law and were therefore grandfathered.
Which I'm certain the Books didn't bother to expound upon during a 6/2/09 Orlando interview; however, both played the Fear card fairly well.
"Back home in Boca Raton, three children were sexually molested in a bathroom during the day," Lauren Book said. "And their parents said, 'Just go to the bathroom, I'm standing here.' It's not OK."
Ron Book said parents should never take their children for granted."Hug your children. Ask them what they're doing. Pay attention. Pay attention all the time, not just five minutes after this broadcast," he said.
Sounds like public restrooms will soon be off-limits as well.
Here's an idea, just for kicks and giggles. How about parents teaching their kids how to take care of themselves?
Something Ron, you obviously forgot to do.
Meanwhile, back in Broward, Mr. Book's fingers have dabbled in the pretrial release program.
How many dots need connection to determine one man's behind the scenes influence...and for profit?Earlier this year, Public Defender Howard Finkelstein criticized the commission for approving changes to the program because they were sought by lobbyist and frequent campaign contributor Ron Book, who represents bail bondsmen.
''It is definitely keeping the jail population from going over unacceptable limits,'' Finkelstein said. ``This has never been about whether the program has been successful. It has only been about Broward county commissioners who wanted campaign contributions from Ron Book.''
Perhaps a law should be drafted to limit the number of clients a lobbyist can represent?
Or better yet.
Those restricted from use of a public facility--a library, a community center, a park or athletic field--no longer pay taxes to support the creation or maintenance of such.
Mr. Book's Principals
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Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
421 Aviation Way Frederick, MD 21701
(yet another pun):
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
421 Aviation Way Frederick, MD 21701
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Florida Association of Rehabilitation Facilities, Inc
2475 Apalachee Pky Ste 205 Tallahassee, FL 32301
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Miami Project/Buoniconti Fund to Cure Paralysis
Lois Pope Life Center 1095 NW 14th Terrace Miami, FL 33136
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Industry Code: 921190
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Industry Code: 921190
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