It's baaack....
NBC may have canceled "To Catch a Predator", but that doesn't mean it's canceled, like totally.
Chris Hanson has dumped his gang of underage wannabees to hire age-appropriate legal talent.
Live action porn stars.
This is the point where the whole scenario goes all sex schizophrenic.
As blogged by Wine and Excrement:
The controversial show, in production since 2004, has been beleaguered with bad PR in recent years, including the suicide of a prosecutor who was the patsy during one of the show’s heavy-handed hybridizations of law enforcement and entertainment.The show has also been criticized for a woeful conviction rate, a conflict of interest with Perverted Justice, the organization it fronts, and for allegations of entrapment.
The latter charges spring from the fact that members of Perverted Justice enter Internet sex chat rooms where they pose as under-age lascivious teens and woo adult members with absurdly wanton come-ons, often aggressively persisting until their marks relent and agree to participate in a preposterous, sex-filled romp at a decoy house that, unknown to the “perp,” is filled with hidden cameras, a platoon of heavily armed paramilitary assets, a gaggle of key grips, sound- and cameramen, a lissome house-elf that serves as the final visual and vocal decoy and, most ominously, Chris Hanson.
Now, producers say, the show is poised to put all of those allegations behind it, thanks to its rollout of young but seasoned porn stars, who will relieve the sprightly, foul-mouthed but untouchable, quickly vanishing tarts that have been a hallmark of the show since its inception.
The step, while radical, was the “last and best option” available, insiders say.
For what? Bad taste, the dumbing down of America or the search for the Holy Grail of Ratings?
What's Hanson have to say about all this?
“For the lion’s share of our history, just having a sexy ‘barely legal’ with a ridiculously high-pitched voice preen around the doorway with a plate of cookies or lemonade was more than enough to get these scumbags to step inside, giving me the chance to take over,” Hanson continued. “But despite all our success, we – and our viewers – were left wanting.”For one thing, Hanson says, the convictions weren’t devastating enough. “Sure, many times these were felonies, and certainly we were able to ruin dozens of lives over thought crime directed against an imaginary person, and that’s good stuff – good enough for a laugh track, but we felt there was room for more.”
That’s when producers lit upon the idea of retaining seasoned sex professionals to take the place of the effective – but hands-off – nymphets that have typically served as Hanson’s sidekicks.
“We got to thinking, there’s plenty of really talented porn stars who look like they’re underage,” noted Hanson. “We know they’re willing to give up their bodies for their profession, and we figured, ‘why not take this show up a notch?’”

That's called prostitution, MacDaddy.
Oh, there's more.
“To really ratchet up charges, we’re even toying with the idea of having underage porn stars – you can get them offshore really easily – participate, after signing a waiver, of course. That would really land some serious convictions.”
Ah. Human trafficking. Nice.
Chris Hanson, NBC and Live-Action Porn Stars.
Should this "show" ever see air, expect a lawsuit to be slapped against this ménage à trois somewhere mid-season.