Please excuse my recent absence, Froggers. One of my family members forgot the basics of Weedwacking 101.
Wear protective eyewear.
A stone flipped up, scratched the eye and reopened a previous wound, resulting in a corneal ulcer. Intense pain that appeared to come close to labor. But at this point, the injury is slowly on the mend.
Well, it appears that AG Governor of Florida wannabee had a stone flip up and erase part of his memory because apparently, the old boy has changed his viewpoint of residency restrictions.
As reported by the Miami Herald, Bill McCollum: Sex-offender bans are faulty (8/4/2009) Univision's WQBA-1140 were the first to get a look at McCollum's softer side.
`The state law is fairly reasonable, but many counties and many cities have made it impossible for anybody to live. . . in a normal living environment,'' McCollum told interviewer Bernadette Pardo. ``It's very wrong.''
Of course, Johnny on the Spot, lobbyist and media hog Ron Book feigned shock and dismay over his buddy's political change of heart.
``I'm a little surprised at the attorney general's comments because, in my opinion, I don't think it's the 2,500-foot ordinances that created the problem,'' Book said. ``If the attorney general thinks local governments are going to repeal their ordinances, he's not accurate . . . We're talking about people who have been accused and convicted of sexual deviant behavior.''
Hmmm. Not so fast, Ron.
``He may not like to hear us say this, but good for Bill McCollum,'' said Howard Simon, executive director of the ACLU of Florida. ``Any law that treats the guy that urinates on the side of the road or the 17-year-old with the 15-year-old girlfriend the same as someone who violently assaults a young person -- it's a stupid, irrational legal system, but that's what we have in Florida.''
The eyes, they are a-opening.