I've never doubted the capacity for the innate goodness of human beings.
And we are witnessing such by those who have reached out to assist their fellow man in moving on, literally and figuratively.
Folks who called the Julia Tuttle Causeway home are getting by with a little help of new friends, which includes an unwilling alliance, forced into the spotlight when his NIMBY thinking jumped over his 2500 feet residency restriction bridge to bite him in his Miami behind.
As reported by The Miami Herald:(8/18/09)
"...he got a tremendous response from ads placed in The Miami Herald and a few other local papers.``We received several dozen calls, so we felt it was a good investment,'' Book said. ``Our staff is pursuing locations, some of which may work, some that don't comply with the law . . . but I have different needs in different parts of the community."
Some JT residents are hesitant to leave, understandably distrustful of the hand that threw the Book at them.
Ron has this to say about that.
``We're serious about resettling these folks,'' he said. ``We're going to move as aggressively as possible to do what we can.''
I just bet you are. Before Charlie Crist has to handle another lob over this issue by the press.
Humans suffering beneath a bridge doesn't look quite so impressive on the old "I'm Running for Senator" vitae.