Don't be surprised if the next law pitched targets public school transportation.
Somer Thompson had some walk to and from school. Many have been surprised at the distance and questioned why the young girl didn't ride a bus.
Most school systems do not provide transportation to those who live within two miles of the school...and that's how the crow flies. Whatever straight line the school system chooses to use--through woods, wetlands or farmlands--that flying crow is the decider.
That being said, parents of children living within the no-bus zone--who heavily pursue transport for their kids--can sometimes pay to have their kids picked up and delivered home.
As those dollars add up quickly, many parents choose a more common sense approach.
They walk with the kids to and from school.
If parents are employed, those children are often transported via a day care facility.
For those with kids walking to and from school--even a short distance--what might best honor the memory of Somer Thompson is to sit down with your children and review safety rules. Think about including possible safe places located along the route home where a child could seek help, for whatever reason. (Years ago, I remember Florida 7/11 convenience stores sported a huge yellow Safe Place sign in the front window).
It just makes sense.