SNL has historically proved way slow on the uptake regarding the poke of the finger at residency restriction laws.
Yet, it took less than a week for baby bro--Thursday's SNL: Weekend Update to zap Julia Tuttle's cousin, Atlanta's Tent City.
Pick it up towards the end of the segment, around 17:30.
For those persons deemed sex offenders who are unable to locate housing due to residency restrictions, state probation officers have directed these now homeless offenders into the woods outside Atlanta.
And although SNL and this nation's citizens appear to finally have caught the satirical ha ha regarding residency restrictions, the not so funny punch line is that human beings are being directed to live beneath bridges and in tents by state officials as we speak due to residency restrictions forcing persons deemed sex offenders from housing available in their community of choice.
As long as this continues, the joke is really on us all.
Read more over at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (9/28/2009).
On another note.
John Couey--a man responsible for so much misery for so many people--died from cancer earlier this week. Convicted and imprisoned on Florida's Death Row for the murder of Jessica Lunsford, this horrific crime was used by politicians here in this state and throughout this nation as a catalyst for the passage of Draconian sex offender lawmaking.
Time to move forward.