The AshBritt Connection

Seven hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars gone missing after an in-house audit of Broward County Schools hasn't preempted the contractor who faces alleged ties to the missing cash--Pompano Beach-based disaster recovery contractor AshBritt--from discussing earthquake clean-up with Haiti President Rene Preval.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 2/14/2010:


Randal Perkins, head of Pompano Beach, Fla.-based AshBritt, has already met with President Rene Preval to tout his firm's skills. To press his case, Mr. Perkins, a big U.S. political donor with a stable of powerful lobbyists, has lined up a wealthy and influential Haitian businessman, Gilbert Bigio, as a partner.


In his Jan. 28 meeting with Mr. Preval, which was attended by a McClatchy Newspapers reporter who was chronicling a day in the president's life, Mr. Perkins made a hard sell, boasting of AshBritt's $900-million U.S. government contract to clean up after Hurricane Katrina and promising his firm would create 20,000 local jobs.

Sidebar. Lauren Book-Lim, daughter of aforementioned AshBritt lobbyist, Ron Book, is considering a run for the very same Broward County School Board pointing fingers at AshBritt, her father's client. (Sun Sentinel, 2/12/2010).

If her dad can serve as the Chair of the Miami-Dade Homeless Trust and remain in the position while personally responsible for passage of the very laws resulting in the creation of a sex offender colony comprised of the homeless camped beneath the man's hometown Julia Tuttle Causeway, I imagine my concern over the potential seating of Daughter Book-Lim as an obvious conflict of interest when Father Book wheels and deals before the Board is just plain silly.