I've come to believe one is guilty until proven innocent in this country and the story of Joseph Crowley proves it.
Crowley--who pitched his hat into the ring in the race to unseat Florida Republican state rep John Tobia--has reportedly withdrawn from the race since this story broke.
It's a tangled web.
Apparently, the mother of Crowley's alleged victim felt the sting of the feds after a six month investigation which resulted in her arrest (and a guilty plea) for the distribution and production of child pornography.
Turning "cooperating witness", she made "...a controlled phone call from Washington to Crowley. He allegedly instructed her to get into bed with her 8-year-old son, remove his shirt and place her hand on his leg. When he asked if she would perform a sex act, investigators terminated the phone call." (FT, 2/4/10).
Same old story. Crowley is arrested and thrown into jail St. Lucie County way (the base camp for sting crime fighters) to wait out whether he gets a free trip to D.C. to be tried federally. The phone call getting him out of jail free is not from the governor but from a federal judge, dismissing all charges.
Prosecutors aren't talking beyond stating the charges could be refiled. Of course, Crowley's name is ruined, but no big whoop. Just another day in the world of the quick sweep.
Two words of advice, Mr. Crowley.
Costa. Rica.