Interesting. Judicial candidate Debra Steinsaltz doesn't name names, yet all South Florida has seemingly associated a story shared at a recent judicial forum with the very person that has talked up the family bio to anyone that will listen as a personal platform to steamroll hateful lawmaking through the Florida legislature as well as South Florida, particularly so in Miami.
And obviously, continues to do so as noted in a blog post written by Buddy Nevins of BrowardBeat.com.
I'd say Debra Steinsaltz has thrown the door to a kitchen that is certainly not clean.
Read on, especially when Mr. Book discusses ethics.
Candidate Debra Steinsaltz should have thought before she spoke at the second Broward Judicial Watch judicial forum on Thursday.
Answering a question, Steinsaltz told the forum audience that she once had a client who was a nanny accused of molesting the child of a major political insider.
During the preparation for the trial, Steinsaltz said she learned many things about the victim’s family and hinted the family had deep dark secrets which would cause them “embarrassment”.
Although she never mentioned the victim’s name, it was obvious to everybody I talked to at the forum that she was referring to the family of Ron Book. He lives in Plantation and is one of the state’s best known and most ubiquitous lobbyists.
Assistant Public Defender Steinsaltz defended, Waldina Flores, a nanny convicted of molesting Book’s daughter Lauren a decade ago.
(...)A livid Book now says he is interested in helping Steinsaltz’s opponent, County Judge Peter Skolnick. Book could raise Skolnick thousands of dollars easily.
Barry Harris, Steinsaltz campaign consultant, had no comment.
Reached by telephone after the forum, Book said that Steinsaltz’s “ethics speak for themselves. This is typical of a (Broward Public Defenders) office that conducted themselves in an unprofessional manner throughout this entire case.”
Book said one assistant PD was so “unprofessional” that he was “forced to file a Bar grievance against him.” The Assistant PD was taken off the Flores case.
Steinsaltz handled the second Broward case involving Flores. After she was sent to prison for molesting Lauren Book, the former nanny violated the rules of her original sentence by writing the teenager.
She was prosecuted again and got 10 years for the letter writing added to her original 15-year sentence.
Book said that Steinsaltz was obviously “using the words of a pedophile” about his family in an attempt to “further her candidacy.”
“This is a woman who deficated (sic) and urinated on my child and then fled the state before she was caught. If this candidate wants to use this case and her defense of this pedophile, I believe the voters can make their own decision.”
Book said he doesn’t know Skolnick from “Adam’s housecat” but he would be interested in helping his campaign. He also said he would review the tape of the judicial forum to see if there was “further action” he should take against Steinsaltz.
Lauren Book recently decided against a Broward County School Board run.