After an afternoon chatting with my friends via 1970's state of the art communications, my mother had had enough of her then sixteen-year-old daughter monopolizing the telephone. She yelled at me to "Get OFF than PHONE!", and followed up with the usual "NOW!"
I gave her the typical teen OK, OK and kept talking.
She promptly picked up a pair of scissors with the longest blades I had ever seen in my short life and promptly cut the cord of the land line.
Someone should've cut the cord on the conversation between disgraced and ousted former Republican Party chair Jim Greer and his co-hort, Delmar Johnson.
If you have not heard the audio between these two, head here and take a listen. The potential fall-out on the Florida Republican Party, well, it's electrifying.
For Frogger researchers interested in helping the Florida Democratic Party figure out who else may be listed in the Greer Rolodex, documents released in the case against Greer can be accessed here.