eAdvocate's recent posting of proposed bills before Congress offers continued proof of the attempted exclusion of those designated as sex offenders from opportunities provided all American citizens and how such exclusion simply violates human rights.
Within each bill lies a caveat which denies persons "convicted of a sex offense against a minor" access to these benefits if passed.
--Unemployment Benefits: HR 5618: Restoration of Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act of 2010. Sponsor Rep. Jim McDermott (WA-7).
--Small Business Loans: HR 5297: Small Business Jobs and Credit Act of 2010. Sponsor Rep. Barney Frank (MA-4).
Read the specifics here.
Equally disturbing, is an amendment to proposed FHA legislation that utilizes the same verbiage to disallow the award of FHA mortgages to those convicted of the same offense. As explained by proponent Rep. Chet Edwards (TX) the addition of Amendment 12 (added to the FHA Reform Act of 2010 (HR 5072) inhibits "...any kind of federally financed reward or taxpayer-backed benefit to sex offenders reentering our communities."
I can deduce many reasons why Mr. Edwards might formulate such a hateful premise in his peanut of a closed mind, but my first thought is sex offenders bring down property values and make home sales difficult for homeowners and realtors. I'm aware of one particular incident within my community where a homeowner lost the sale of property located next door to because the adjacent neighbor was listed on the state registry. No way to tell if that person was a low-level offender or not as the Florida Sex Offender Registry doesn't bother to differentiate.
As I like to say. Too. Bad. So. Sad.
However, I'd also like to point out how such a FHA disclaimer could effect the housing and shelter of family members living with a person designated as an offender. Or not.
Because should this amendment somehow survive, someone in that same household could get the FHA mortgage on their own merits. Once the family moves into the neighborhood, I'd suggest a Guess Who's Coming to Dinner open house.