Questions posed by the The Miami Herald (9/5/10):
``Why does The Miami Herald insist on trying to generate sympathy for registered sex offenders. The offenders made a choice to be offenders. Their victims didn't have a choice to be victimized. The community has much more pressing needs than worrying about making housing for these predators.''
The response.
The coverage of the band of sex offenders forced to live under the Julia Tuttle causeway has been a difficult story for these very reasons.
Articles have made it a point not to portray offenders as sympathetic, but instead to focus on why government and charitable agencies that insist they want to resolve this housing dilemma have been unable to do so.
Whatever we think of these people, it's hard to argue the best solution is for them to be hidden away under a bridge.
How about the Herald detail the specific crimes that can designate an individual as a sex offender?
The answer may prompt readers to ask more informed questions of the paper, as in "You're kidding, right?"