A year ago, I decided to buy a domain name from Google for ten dollars.
All went well until a couple of months back. Google emailed me a notice to renew as I had not selected automatic renewal via a credit card with my initial purchase.
Sounds easy enough.
I've struggled with Google since August in attempt to renew my domain name. Once logged into my account, I was unable to simply choose automatic renewal as apparently, past a certain date, such an action is no longer an option. Communication proved next to impossible and when contact was made to the person beyond the Q & A forum, I was simply passed off to someone else.
As a result, Smashedfrog.com went quietly into that good night (although still readable by cache), the address now owned by eNom and available for me to repurchase for reportedly close to $100.
Pardon me if I feel a bit scammed.
To quote George Herbert Walker Bush, not gonna do it.
So back to Smashed Frog with a blogspot in the middle. As long as Blogger is around and offers services for free, no need to worry about going dark.
Update your bookmarks, Froggers.
We have work to do. :)