Passport Breach of Confidence

My initial thoughts after learning of the Barack Obama passport breach.

--Three breaches--January 9th, February 21st, March 14th--a pattern doth make.

--Three breaches--coinciding with scheduled political primaries--yet one more pattern of questionable activity.

--Why did it take over fifty days to inform the passport holder--Obama--of this breach?

--How long would it take for Joe Blow American to learn of a similar breach?

--Why is the American public just learning about this now?

--Most importantly, why are the higher ups just learning about the breach at this point?

--Why did the lower muckety-mucks not follow procedures and report to the higher muckety-mucks?

--Two of the three contract employees have been fired and are no longer subject to interview.

--One remains. (I'd hate to be that employee.)

--Is there no privacy anymore for anyone?

--And we wonder why no one wants to run for elected office anymore.

Richardson endorses Obama

"once-in-a-lifetime leader"