Obama's gaining ground in Texas, Hillary continues to shaft small business types with non-payment (but Froggers already knew that) and hubby Bill turns on the charm in attempt to placate Democrats in a rush to make George W. Bush a memory as quickly as possible.
"Don't let anybody tell you that somehow we are weakening the Democratic Party," he told the 2,100 state delegates. "Chill out and let everybody have their say. We are going to win this election."
After three Sunday evenings spent deciphering the linguistics of John Adams, somehow "chill out" doesn't seem quite the brogue befitting a former president.
How would John have more eloquently calmed an agitated crowd?
"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence."
Ahhh. Much better.