The Rolling Stone endorsement of Barack Obama is must read journalism.
A New Hope--written by Jann Wenner--captures the essence of the Democratic race for the White House.
Wenner encapsulates the observations I have driven home almost daily for the last week, regarding Hillary Clinton's use of tactics that serve--and have proved--divisive to the nation and to the detriment of the Democratic Party.
"All this was made clearer by the contrast with Hillary Clinton, a capable and personable senator who has run the kind of campaign that reminds us of what makes us so discouraged about our politics. Her campaign certainly proved her experience didn't count for much: She was a bad manager and a bad strategist who naturally and easily engaged in the politics of distraction, trivialization and personal attack. She never convinced us that her vote for the war in Iraq was anything other than a strategic political calculation that placed her presidential ambitions above the horrifying consequences of a war. Her calibrated course corrections over the past three years were painful. Like John Kerry — who also voted for the war while planning a presidential run — it helped cost her that goal."As Wenner lists the dire needs plaguing our country as a result of the two-term Bush presidency, one scream shouts clarity from his sea of words--one single assertion--that addressed by an Obama presidency would extinguish all other transgressions forced upon us, politically unshackling this nation's citizens from the unconstitutional chains that bind us from binding together in solidarity.
"We have been worn down by long years of fear- and hate-filled political strategies, assaults on constitutional freedoms, and levels of greed and cynicism, that — once seen for what they are — no people of moral values or ethics can tolerate."
Democrats find themselves dragged down by one of their own--Hillary Rodham Clinton--who will go down in the footnotes of history as an instigator of a political slugfest engaged for all the wrong reasons--self-serving power and stubborn blind refusal to accept the vision of the people.
I steel my resolve with this reminder, written by a soul caught fast in a similar political time.
"I simply can't build my hopes on a foundation of confusion, misery and death... I think... peace and tranquillity will return again."
What better angel than the insight of Anne Frank to summon America's true nature.