I love the fact that while Obama's been on vacation, Hillary's working her a** off in a pathetic vain attempt to explain away Bosnia, stir the pot on Jeremiah Wright and if the gods allow, maybe--just maybe-- we will all be treated to a show of indignant Momma high horse should HRC stamp her foot over how poor Chelsea was asked an awful Monica Lewinsky question...by a Hillary supporter.
Hey Chels...can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen, baby. The same kitchen with the sink your parents are throwing at Barack.
Meanwhile, the latest Wall Street Journal poll reflects that Obama has weathered Wright in spite of Clinton's attempts to keep the distraction in the news. As reported by the WSJ, The latest survey has the Democratic rivals in a dead heat, each with 45% support from registered Democratic voters.
And today finds us waiting one more day for Hillary to release her tax return.
I personally cannot wait to see the look on the faces of Pennsylvania voters upon learning how much money Hill and Bill have made off their shares of ExxonMobil Common Stock.
As I posted over at Huffington:
Do you really feel Hillary wants to release tax returns that show her and hubby making a fortune off their Exxon Mobil Common Stock while the rest of us are raped at the pump? Yeah, that ought to go over well in states that can barely afford to eat, much less pay for gas. Pay attention PA.....
I think the dividends paid out to the Clintons--who hold self-reported assets in Exxon Oil Common Stock ($100,001-$250,000)--might be a bit of a confidence bust for everyday Americans, sick of pumping every available nickel and dime into the gas pump every single day.
Meanwhile--unless she tells us otherwise--Hillary is making money off our pain AND laughing all the way to the bank.
Bank on it.
Love those paper trails.