Since release of the Clinton Tax returns, the HRC surrogates have had all weekend to spin positive two major Talking Points.
--How much the Clinton's gave to charity. ($33.8 million in taxes from 2000 through 2007).
--How much the Clinton's paid in taxes. ($10.25 million in charitable contributions).
The median income of Pennsylvanians--cited as $46,000 by Tim Russert, on this morning's Meet the Press--is quite the far cry from the $16 million earned by the Clintons their first year out of the White House gates.
How's that playing in PA?
"109 million since they left office. This is not the person who is going to stick up for the middle class."
"109 million and only 33 million in taxes, thats less than the highest tax bracket. they should have paid over 40 million. I guess their accountants know how to cheat also".
"$151.85 million speech and pension. For lying to the USA, For embrassing the USA. But a soldier fighting for the USA can't even their entire cost of living raise, GI bill increase, how about help on his home and gas for his family making yhe sacrifice, how about gas for military vehicals in the war zone, safety gear, ect. and there income is not even close. Most will come home to no home, no job, ect for being gone for so long...Tears are falling."
"I love the difference between the Clinton's and the Sen Obama. He gives 25% of his earnings to charity while the Clinton's give less then 1% of their earning. So much for helping the poor HRC."
"This story is not going away and like Nafta are the Clintons selling working people of PA down the river again."
"Good points Jena and Kathryn. And Bill was paid on average $150,000 a speech. Wow, that's almost $1 a word!"
"And she says speeches aren't important!!! It will be real interesting to find out whee some of this money really came from!! The lies continues, she is now found to have been lying about the lady at the hospital being refused medical care. What is wrong with her?? How could we ever trust someone who lies like that. Perhaps she believes them herself. Shame on You Hillary Clinton!!!"
"How can u now what we feel as middle class peoploe your rich you have no ideal what it take fore a women or man go threw every day of their life. you do not know our life Ms. clinton The only one who can understand us is Obama, I am or better yet was a hillary supporter Go Obama I really understand your message now."
Is Hillary Clinton down for the count in PA?