One of our own progressives stopped by Smashed Frog Friday and displayed a certain audacity.
And not of the hope type.
Susan Smith chose to inkblot the posted yellow star into an Rorschach association of perceived anti-semitism against Florida state Senator Dave Aronberg.
I thought all those persecuted on a daily basis because of politicians like the good senator would enjoy her comments and my response.
What better place than this post to share your stories, to educate and to inform Ms. Smith of the plight of families--your families, all across this nation-- forced to live under unconstitutional, ex post facto sex offender laws.
Perhaps the next time Ms. Smith sites such a star, her association will be of your pain.
Post away, my friends.
Enjoy the conversation.
So are you insinuating that Dave Aronberg is a dirty Jew by using the star? It is so offensive that I couldn't get the point of your post. Please remove it.
Susan Smith
My grandfather--having fled Poland as a child to escape the Nazis--would find your comment laughable.
He's no longer with us, so I laughed for him.
Then I just felt sorry for you.
Your comment just reflects how uneducated you are on this issue.
How interesting you immediately associated the star from an anti-semitic point of view. Perhaps you have your own issues to delve into...but until then, allow me to educate you.
The yellow star--forced upon Jews-has become an international symbol of those ostracized and outcast from society because of dirty, filthy lies spread by a political machine. Here in Florida, families find themselves shunned, camped to live in concentrated areas, fenced by residency restrictions and ex post facto laws while our elected officials feed the sheep the line of b.s. that all persons registered as sex offenders are child molesters when the truth is many have never touched a child physically.
The sheep start doing their homework when the laws find the way into their own homes and reality bites.
The only symbol I associate with the likes of Dave Aronberg and the Florida Legislature--with the exception of maybe one member--is the Nazi swatsika. These guys collaboratively persecuted Florida families while making modern day pariahs of their registered loved ones, simply because our esteemed elected officials have learned how to turn Fear into votes.
Even when presented the truth as evidenced by current research.
Susan, one great advantage of blogging anonymously is one never knows who they might meet.
And we have met. More than once.
One link to your website would send many hurting families to the equivalent of your front door, sharing their stories of what it's like to live without civil liberties and privacy rights.
But I won't go there.
But don't you ever come back to my site until you educate yourself on the truth about this issue. Try to tell me what to post on my site--I'll turn the faucet on.
Try me.
On an up note, you have great strengths as an activist in Democratic politics. You have the ear of many Democrats who hold office. But if you spent as much time working against these divisive laws as you do grassrooting Democrats into office over on the Left Coast or taking on Republicans in the online comment sections of local newspapers, these laws might have been repealed long ago.
Next time you see Dave, ask him why Mark Foley remains free, uncharged by the very laws he helped to pass.
People like you see what they want to see.
You proved today only that you are part of the problem.
Have a nice weekend.