Hillary Clinton on Hillary Clinton.
“I’ve been tested. I’ve been vetted. I have been in the political arena in our country very intensely for 16 years. There are no surprises."
With the ousting of Mark Penn (or not) and the most recent campaign story spun without proper fact checking coming back to haunt her, I'm not at all surprised that it is Hillary who finds herself surprised.
In this time of 24/7 news coverage, a blogosphere on a tear after eight years of lies straight to America's face, of rapid responders able to dispute words voiced by a candidate within the same news cycle and everyday Americans blasting candidates in the public forums of online newspapers, vetting takes on a vengeance that the Clintons never experienced during their years in the White House.
If such a battalion had been in place when Bill Clinton had first sought the Presidency, the end result of that first election may have proved very different. Just the press coverage from his first run makes my head spin with the memory.
HRC continued.
"There’s not going to be anybody saying, ‘Well why didn’t we think of that?’ or ‘What, my goodness, what does that mean? I am going to be able to go up against any Republican who they nominate.”
Republicans? Maybe.
But Hillary sorely misjudged the forthcoming vetting by the technological sword.
Or perhaps, it's way simpler than than.
Maybe she just isn't a very good candidate.