Chalk it up to bad vampire movies...
...and devouring a big salad right before heading to bed.
I'm riding a bicycle through a dream right before the dawn, when I happen across three women in my path, darkly stylish, impeccably dressed women, observing me with that level-eyed gaze one notes always carried by those who walk through life armed with power.
The eyes are a bit too bright, the stare a bit too heady. I shift in my banana seat and turn my steed in the opposite direction. These chicks remind me a little too much of the Falcon cheerleaders I ran across in the Atlanta airport years ago. Too well put together to be real.
I pedal away fast.
My feet are cycling round in cartoonish fashion as innately I feel the three bearing down on me. A huge boulder--thrown from behind--crashes in my path, startling me, diverting me for just an instance before I regain my frenetic pace. A lightning bolt severs a branch from an overhanging oak, a crevice rips the dirt road wide open. You get the picture.
I'm dodging, jumping, escaping as fast as I can. My whole life depends on getting the heck away from whatever I'm running from.
I'm tired, so tired of the chase by these women--these impressive women--who haven't missed a beat, who haven't hastened a step but all the while, the faster I ride, the closer They get.
I've had it. No more running.
Spinning around, I raise my front tire in a catwalk and with a YEEHAW! head right back at those who persecute me because they can.
As I slam into them, body and bike a unified force, a look of surprise flashes across their collective eyes, their eyebrows raised in a sort of well, we certainly didn't expect this.
And as The Big Three shattered into a million different possibilities, I turn back round to head home, the sun rising to light my way.