As a mother of two, I hoped Caylee Anthony would be found alive.
As an activist, I also knew such a finding could reenergize lawmakers to bleat an I told ya so in defense of child safety laws that have unfairly stigmatized many Americans and their families.
That could still happen, depending on just when the plastic bag containing the youngster's remains was placed (buried?) on the wooded site.
That's a stretch, but either way, questions remain.
Who killed Caylee?
Who put that child in a plastic bag and dumped her like a piece of trash?
If the killer is a family member which lawmaker will step forward first to file "Caylee's Law", some sort of proposal aimed at regular everyday parents and their extended families, grandma, grandpa, etc. etc. etc.
And will the media finally report the truth behind child safety?
That kids are more likely to be killed or kidnapped by their own family members than persons unknown to them? Read the research here.
That child predation is what many have known all along--the worst sort of Fear Card that can be dealt to parents?
How close are we to the ultimate invasion regarding the privacy rights of our children, i.e. the insertion of a GPS microchip to "protect our kids", to proactively address the possibility that a child could go missing? Your child could go missing. A chip could help us find your child.
Because that sort of thinking is the cornerstone on which lawmakers have built the sex offender laws and law enforcement uses to explain away their online sting operations.
It could happen to you thinking.
Now, America's families. It could happen to you.
I envision some sort of minimum time to report a child missing law. Consequence for noncompliance? Third degree felony. One year and a day. Registration as a Child Offender,
a label that really lands a brand on a parent as "neglectful".
The old do you know where your children are logic?
Wouldn't matter if the kid turns up at a neighbor's house. Who knows if the next time the child remains unreported, he or she is found in a garbage bag in the woods.
Governmental thinking:
It could happen, so we are making certain right from the get-go, it doesn't.
Oh, and somehow, the state will profit off the new parental negligence law.
Remember what I have said all along. First, lawmakers start stripping away the rights of those without power through sensationalizing a horrific crime, behaviorally chaining ultimate disgust and distaste to a law that the rest of us immediately buy into, such as the Jessica Lunsford Act.
These horrible people deserved this. And the streets are crawling with them.
Bingo. A straight up my child is safe now because the law protects us fetish is formed.
Once we allow those in power to get away with such psychological damaging unconstitutional lawmaking, it's a slippery slope to us.
In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Caylee's grandparents start lobbying for "Caylee's Law" themselves. We should have reported her missing earlier. Support our law so other grandchildren don't suffer the same horrible death.
Although our President-elect is a constitutional attorney, we Frogs still live in Florida where the hang 'em high mentality is alive and well.
Although part of me almost hopes I'm right--that such a law is pitched and passed--having lived without privacy as a citizen who has committed no crime (which doesn't appear to matter to the state) yet stands in support of a loved one fallen victim to Fetish Lawmaking...well, I wouldn't wish such a nightmare on anyone.
In closing--
Protect your privacy rights. Protect your family.
Don't. Be. Fooled.