A few months after the election of Charlie Crist as Florida's governor, a friend of mine sighted JEB Bush at a local restaurant.
I asked the obvious.
Was he using utensils?
With that visual firmly intact, enjoy this second helping of Smashed Frog.

America's Next Bush.
Horrified by the sheer thought, yet fortified by the collective sigh relaxing the state of Florida since the term-limit ousting of King J.E.B., I pounced on the book of blasphemy.
But I soon realized, I held the Word-the often unheard-undiscussed-truths about the real J.E.B.-in my hands.
Words of education about the tyrant that governed Florida lockstep for eight long years.
Author S.V. Date covered the former Republican governor for both terms and "knows him better than any other journalist in America." S.V., obviously a reporter and not one of J.E.B.'s stenographers, relentlessly fact-gathered and shadowed the policy wonk, who-no matter what he voices publicly-is very much interested in higher office.
Published by Tarcher/Penguin, JEB America's Next Bush, is everything one needs to know to educate Americans about the truths behind the lie.
"If the thought of another Bush in the White House frightens you, you may need to read this book. And if the thought of another Bush in the White House doesn't frighten you, it will, after you read this revealing portrait," (Kirkus Reviews).
I thank Mr. Date for writing this book. As a J.E.B. walking wounded, I invite you all to join me in the education. Buy it, steal it, check it out, just get your hands on this book somehow and read Chapter One. Join the discussion here at Smashed Frog next Thursday, March 29, 2007. (I'll also post to the Kos, just in case anyone there is interested.
Chapter by chapter, my plan is to educate any one who happens upon this blog about J.E.B.
Fellow Floridians, I'm not certain those living outside our freed state really understand what we've been through as citizens. Make your voice heard.
As brother to GWB, this man is already way too close to the Presidency.
We cannot allow this man to get any closer.
Keep this man in Miami.