When I'm stressed out, it's sort of like reverse energy.
Instead of slowing down, I speed up.
The momentum of gotta get this done, gotta take care of this before this date or this hour, or omigod, did that just happen--gotta gotta gotta--inflates my brain like an cerebral balloon, about to burst at any given second.
Instead of taking five, sitting back, taking on a this too will soon pass sort of attitude, yeah, I do more. My emotional skeleton is constantly in hyper-overload and these past couple of days, I honestly predicted the pop of my cerebral balloon.
I clicked open Google News midday Tuesday afternoon as I always do. Gotta know what's going on, pulse beating rapidly, beat, beat, beat and whoop, there it was.
Arlen Specter dumping the Reps for the Dems. With Al Franken on deck. Sixty--6-0-Democratic Senators. A filibuster-proof Senate.
Cosmic. Or quite possibly, karmic.
You know those involuntary laughs emitted in the rare once in awhile, the barely audible ha ha has of unexpected genuine surprise? My laugh--combined with the release of helium from my highly pressurized inner sanctum--released me from the demands--some self-imposed--of my last few days.
Senator Specter--from one Democrat to another--thank you for the moment of much needed Zen.