I had to laugh (in an ironic shake your head ain't it the truth sort of way) when I heard that suspended NFL football player Michael Vick testified in court something to the effect that he wouldn't claim bankruptcy if he could resume playing football one day.
Instead, upon the completion of his 23 month prison sentence granted for dog-fighting conspiracy, Vick will work construction.
Interesting quote from one particular NFL head coach."I would look at Michael like I look at every other prospect that's available: He goes back into the pool," Bears coach Lovie Smith said in the article. "That's what everyone in society does. Martha Stewart went to prison. She paid her time. Now she's back in society.
"Mike made a mistake, and he's paying the price for that mistake. Once you've paid your debt to society, you have to say, 'OK, let's go on from there.' "
True, unless Michael is listed on a dog offender registry and is not permitted to live 1000 feet from where canines are known to urinate.
That's about the time social and occupational leprosy sets in.