Word on the home front.
I've spoken with the guy who manages what little money I have and this is what's up. He's trying to get me a higher prequalification. While trying to get back into home ownership on one salary, a wing and a prayer, I've been advised not to worry about being on the streets anytime soon.
It will take time.
Homes on today's market are apparently worth 50% less than the asking price and buyers are having a field day bargaining down even further. If my landlord is finding himself financially strapped, he is unlikely to accept that much less, especially if he needs the cash. Also, continued my Money Guy--if I really wanted to check out what the home was worth, head over to zillow.com.
He was right. I typed in my address and talk about the Great Reveal! The LL is asking way too much and he will never get it in this market; however, it's time for me to move ahead and keep an eye on what opens up, but not to accept less than I want. As Stuart Smalley used to say, I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone, people like me!
All that aside, my remote fell upon some trashy Nancy Grace-like show late last evening, with a brunette loudmouth talking up the story of Haleigh Cummings, the Florida girl yet to be found after disappearing from her family's trailer.
Of course, sex offenders listed on the registry came up and one panelist actually said something to the effect, We all know the registry is diluted with too many people.
And others agreed.
The conversation went on to discuss how many truly dangerous depicted on the registry had been interviewed in the case. (Approximately 30, which causes me pause. How were these persons determined more dangerous than others? I doubt 30 "predators" are living in the little piehole of Satsuma, Florida. And if so, well, thank residency restrictions for that).
If the tipping point can poke reality into these FOX types, anything is possible.