Per the census, the recession has most folks hanging out at home together, but not in a temporary sort of way.
Families are bunking up multigenerationally, tying together their collective financial binds in order to survive.
As reported by the Orlando Sentinel, (9/21/2009) "...for the first time since the 2000 census, whether home foreclosures and rising unemployment are forcing children, parents and grandparents to live together in the same house. In Florida, there are more than 240,000 multigenerational households."
I wonder if local and state residency restriction laws cite a special exception for those blessed with sex offender status and down on their luck financially to live with family members living within legally-created gated communities?
And I also think we know that answer. As the tax revenue flees the Sunshine State, I can't help but add, karma will get you every time.
Read more about why people are leaving Florida in droves here.
"The time has surely come for the laws to meet the times."
--John Mayall
--John Mayall