He's baacckk. And on the radio.
"Inside the Mind of Mark Foley" will expose the inner workings of Washington D.C.
(Straight off the press release, Froggers. I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.)
Yes, the man who dove into rehab faster than his computers could be cleared, Mr. Foley appears to be getting back on his feet. After his very public disgrace, the former Florida Republican congressman will take a slap back at the dog that bit him, with yet ANOTHER conservative radio talk show, "...a real Washington D.C. insiders view into the healthcare issue as well as the inner workings of how public policy is made in Washington D.C."
Beginning September 22nd at 6pm, "Inside the Mind of Mark Foley" will premiere on 960am in North Palm Beach, Florida. You can listen worldwide by going to www.seaviewam960.com.
"Well Mark Foley's a local, his district was here locally in West Palm Beach," Seaview operations manager Joe Raineri told me, "So Mark Foley, he's a regular about town and he was no stranger certainly to us at the radio station, and he's quite well received here in West Palm Beach. So we thought with what's going on in the world today it would be great to hear from a former Washington insider."
What's next? A blog?
Mr. Foley is apparently has a Facebook page.
The Agony of The Irony.