Miami-Dade still smells dirty a few days after dismissal of the ACLU suit regarding the area's Draconian residency restriction laws, but up Vermont way, a judge didn't take too kindly to the same sort of segregation.
WCAX News (9/18/2009):
The mayor of Barre is conceding defeat on the city's sex offender ordinance.
Two weeks ago, a judge ruled that Barre did not have the authority to restrict where sex offenders live. Mayor Thom Lauzon initially vowed to fight the ruling or find a new way to enact it. But now Lauzon says an appeal would be a waste of time and money. He's urging the city council to drop the ordinance.
"You know given that ruling I think our chances for success at the Supreme Court are pretty remote and I think there are more important things we can be doing with our time and our money rather than appealing to the Supreme Court where admittedly we would have a limited chance at success," Lauzon said.
Lauzon says the city's efforts are better spent trying to get lawmakers to make even more improvements to the state's sex offender registry and website.
If only the Atlantic lapped at the Vermont state line, the tides just might waft a bit of Yankee common sense back Florida's way....
Happy Monday.