A call for help to Across-the-Board readers.

Hello Across-the-Board readers. As you've noticed the past few weeks -- for the first time since this blog was started, there has been a long period in which I've been unable to update ACB every weekday. To you loyal reader who've kept ACB in your bookmarks and RSS feed readers -- thank you.

It's at this point that I'm at a crossroads. I've been busy, there is no hiding the truth. However, I do not want to shut down Across-the-Board. I've just not had the time as I did before to dedicate my time here. I've also been spending time at http://www.ramseymohsen.com/.

I've recieved suggestions in that allowing other contributers and authors to ACB would help sustain its life, since so many of you hate to see it go.

I like the idea.

If you would like to be considered a author and contributer to Across-the-Board, please write in the comments of this post or write an email to ramsey@ramseym.com describing;

1.) Why would you like to help Across-the-Board?
2.) What, if any experience do you have in blogging? (show me examples)

3.) If you have traveled 4.8 miles in 24 minutes, what was your average speed, in miles per hour?
